Biztalk Functoid

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“Biztalk Functoid related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Biztalk Functoid. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

30 Biztalk Functoid Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain what are Persistence Points and what causes them?

The orchestration engine saves the state of a running orchestration instance at various points. If it needs to rehydrate the orchestration instance, start up from a controlled shutdown, or recover from an unexpected shutdown, it will run the orchestration instance from the last persistence point, as though nothing else had occurred


22⟩ Pipelines Based Biztalk Functoid Interview Questions

☛ 1. Different Stages in Receive and Send Pipelines.

☛ 2. How to develop a Custom Pipeline Component ?

☛ 3. What are the various interfaces implemented for General, Disassemble/Assemble components ?

☛ 4. How do you promote a property in pipelines ?

☛ 5. How do you debug a Pipeline ?

☛ 6. How do you validate an XML in a pipeline ?


23⟩ Adapters Based Biztalk Functoid Interview Questions

☛ 1. Difference between File and FTP Adapters.

☛ 2. Difference between SQL Receive and Send Adapters.

☛ 3. What is an updategram ? What is a Before and After Block in Updategram ?

☛ 4. How do you consume a WCF Service ?

☛ 5. How do you expose your artifacts as a service ?

☛ 6. What is the difference between exposing an Orchestration and Schema as a Service ?

☛ 7. Consider the Scenario – Everyday, you receive Updates for your BizTalk Hosted Application. You need 30min to perform the Updates. How do you handle this without having any downtime ?

☛ 8. What are the different modes of copying in Send File Adapter ?

☛ 9. What are the two methods in which File Adapter runs ?

☛ 10. What is the Advantage of Using Temporary Location for File Adapters ?

☛ 11. What are the various macros available for a File Adapter ?

☛ 12. How do you rename the Output File of a File Adapter ?


27⟩ Please explain why would a developer create a custom functoid?

Below scenarios can tempt developer to create custom functoid:

☛ When there is no out of box functoids which can be used to complete the logic.

☛ When the number of functoids used to implement the logic goes on increasing and becomes difficult to follow and manage.


28⟩ Explain me what is property promotion, why is it required?

Biztalk provides you with a really smart routing feature that allows the engine to decide where to send which message. For example, If you receive a message with the EmployeePaySlip schema, and it has the approved flag to true, it should be redirected to the Finance system Orchestration for making the payments and to the HR system Orchestration for keeping the records. This built in intelligence for the Biztalk engine allows it to route the messages simply based on some content within the messages.


30⟩ Tell me what is rehydration?

When a message is received, or else when a timeout has expired, the orchestration engine can be automatically triggered to rehydrate the instance – it is at this point that the orchestration engine loads the saved instance of the orchestration into memory, restores the state, and runs its from the point it left off.