Accounts Executive

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“Accounts Executive Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Accounts Executive. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

51 Accounts Executive Questions And Answers

21⟩ What are your tactics, techniques, and the sales methods to increase revenues?

An account manager uses the information at his disposal to maintain and increase client interest. Staying current and doing marketing research are key factors to understanding what the customer is getting tired of and what he might become interested in. This information has to be effectively coordinated with the company departments in order to result in a product that will prevent the customer from leaving.


22⟩ Described about your track record for consistently achieving your targets?

An interviewer expects an account manager to be efficient in knowing how to meet targets within deadlines. He may ask the candidate about his track record for achieving targets. With this question, he gives the candidate an opportunity to provide examples of goals and strategies to achieve them. The interviewer may look for the candidate's strong communication skills as a vital tool in the candidate's examples.


23⟩ Explain stated interest rate of a bond payable?

The stated interest rate of a bond payable is the annual interest rate that is printed on the face of the bond. The stated interest rate multiplied by the bond's face amount (or par amount) results in the annual amount of interest that must be paid by the issuer of the bond. For example, if a corporation issues $10,000,000 of bonds having a stated interest rate of 6%, it is promising to pay interest of $600,000 each year (usually $300,000 semiannually).

The stated interest rate of a bond payable is also known as the face interest rate, the nominal interest rate, the contractual interest rate, and the coupon interest rate.


24⟩ Define selling, general and administrative expenses?

These costs are reported as operating expenses on the income statement because they pertain to operating the main business during that accounting period. These costs may have expired, may have been used up, or may not have a future value that can be measured.


26⟩ Define loss on disposal, net of tax?

An accounting loss on the sale of a business segment minus the income taxes that were saved (avoided, sheltered) because the loss was also deductible on the company's income tax return.


30⟩ Explain gross profit?

Gross profit is net sales minus the cost of goods sold. (Some people use the term gross margin and gross profit interchangeably. Others use gross margin to mean the gross profit ratio or the gross profit as a percentage of net sales.)

Gross profit is presented on a multiple-step income statement prior to deducting selling, general and administrative expenses and prior to non-operating revenues, non-operating expenses, gains and losses.


31⟩ Will you be out to take my job?

Maybe in about twenty years, but by then, I suspect you'll be running the entire company and will need a good, loyal lieutenant to help you manage this department!


33⟩ Described assets?

Assets are sometimes defined as resources or things of value that are owned by a company. Some examples of assets which are obvious and will be reported on a company's balance sheet include: cash, accounts receivable, inventory, investments, land, buildings, and equipment.


34⟩ Explain revenues?

These are the amounts earned through the sale of goods and the providing of services.


36⟩ Explain noncurrent assets in accounting?

A noncurrent asset is an asset that is not likely to turn to unrestricted cash within one year of the balance sheet date. (This assumes that the company has an operating cycle of less than one year.)

A non-current asset is also referred to as a long-term asset.

Non-current assets are reported under the following balance sheet headings:

★ Investments (long-term)

★ Property, plant and equipment

★ Intangible assets

★ Other assets


37⟩ Explain statement of cash flows?

This statement reports the major causes for the change in cash and cash equivalents during the accounting period. The cash flows are presented as operating, investing, or financing activities.


38⟩ What you know about balance sheet in accounting?

This statement of financial position reports a corporation's assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity as of the final instant of the date shown in its heading (December 31, January 31, June 30, etc.)


39⟩ Described statement of comprehensive income?

This financial statement begins with the bottom line of the income statement and then lists the items considered to be other comprehensive income. Some of these items involve currency translation, hedging, available-for-sale securities, and pensions.


40⟩ Explain statement of stockholders equity?

This financial statement is often presented as the statement of shareholders' equity, statement of equity, statement of changes in stockholders' equity, etc. It reports all of the changes in stockholders' equity which occurred during the accounting period.