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90 Taxation Questions And Answers

61⟩ Do you know who is non resident?

An individual who does not fulfill the below mentioned conditions in that previous year will be considered as Non Resident:

☛ You have to be in country atleast 182 days in that year.

☛ You have to atleast be in country for 365 days during 4 years preceding that year and atleast 60 days in that year.


62⟩ Do you know what is the difference between profit and gain?

Profit is the amount that is left after deducting expenses from revenue that makes the receipt of revenue possible. There are two streams of earnings that is direct earnings and indirect earnings. Direct earnings are incurred from main activities and indirect earnings are incurred from other activities so the profits is calculated as gross profit and net profit.

Gross profit is the amount of revenue from which trading expenses has been deducted (expenses related to main activities of the business). Net profit is the amount of revenue that includes incomes from other activities.

Gain is the amount that is earned on selling assets which is not included in the inventory of the business. This sales activity is not the actual trading and these sales does not includes goods that are sold on regular basis.


63⟩ Tell me if you know what is excise duty?

Excise Duty is an indirect tax imposed on goods that are manufactured and produced within the country. This is paid by the manufacturer on the finished good when it goes out of the factory. Excise Duty is levied on all goods, except certain goods that are exempted.


64⟩ Tell me about the sales tax?

Sales Tax is imposed on the finished product which is paid by the consumer. Sales tax is imposed on sale or purchase within the State. Different states levy different levels of sales tax, while there is a Central Sales Tax levied on sale or purchase in the course of interstate trade.


65⟩ What does fair rent mean?

Fair rent is the rent charged for a private property that is fixed and registered by a rent officer. Fair rent is decided on the basis of size, condition and usefulness of the property.


66⟩ Tell me which items fall under the category of securities?

Securities are defined under Section 2(h) of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (SCRA) to include:

☛ Shares, scrips, stocks, bonds, debentures, debenture stock or other marketable securities of a like nature in or of any incorporated company or other body corporate.

☛ Derivatives.

☛ Units or any other instrument issued by any collective investment scheme to the investors in such schemes.

☛ Security receipt as defined in Section 2(zg) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002.

☛ Such other instruments as declared by the central government.

☛ Rights or interest in securities.

Equity-oriented mutual funds (not debt-oriented mutual funds).


67⟩ Tell me about the Excise tax?

Excise tax is an indirect tax that is imposed on the manufacture, sale or use on certain types of goods and products. Excise taxes are generally imposed on goods such as cigarettes or alcohol, also in the price of an activity such as gambling. Excise taxes may be imposed by both Federal and state authorities.


68⟩ Tell me what is a service tax?

Service tax is an indirect tax imposed by the government on service providers on certain service transactions, but is actually paid by the customers. Services provided by air-conditioned restaurants and short term accommodation provided by hotels, inns, etc are included in the taxable services.


70⟩ What does a commercial tax mean?

Commercial Tax is a tax imposed on the scheduled Commercial goods as indirectly collected by the seller or purchaser against his business transaction which now comprises of Sales Tax, Entertainment, Luxury Tax, Entry Tax and Profession Tax.


71⟩ What is an entertainment duty?

Entertainment duty is levied on entertainment places like Cinemas, Amusements, Parks, Variety Programmes Sports etc on following rates.

☛Presently no duty is being collected from Cinemas.

☛Dramas, plays, variety Programmes 10% of the payment for admission.

☛Games and Sports 5% of the payment for admission.

☛Items of amusement other than above 25% of the payment for admission.


72⟩ List the names of items which are deducted under Salary Head?

Deductions that are made under salary head are Entertainment allowance and Professional tax:

☛ Entertainment Allowance:

Entertainment allowance received is already included in the income of the employee and then a deduction is made only for government employees.

☛ Professional Tax:

Professional Tax is imposed by the government on employment by whatever name called.


73⟩ list the types of Provident funds?

The 4 types of provident funds:

☛ Recognized Provident Fund (RPF)

☛ Unrecognized Provident Fund (URPF)

☛ Statutory Provident Fund (SPF)

☛ Public Provident Fund (PPF)


74⟩ Do you know what is luxury tax?

A tax imposed on goods and services that are non-essential or not included in the necessities. Luxury tax is included in the indirect tax and is incurred by those who purchase or use the product.


75⟩ Tell me about the form d in sales tax?

Form D:

Sale to government is taxable 4% or applicable sales tax rate for sale within the State whichever is lower. This concession on CST is applicable if Form D is issued by the government department which purchases the goods.


77⟩ Tell me what do you mean by transfer income?

Transfer of Income means when someone retains the ownership of an asset but makes an agreement to transfer its income but still the income is considered as your income and it will be added to the total income.


80⟩ How is fair rent calculated?

Fair rent is calculated in place of mortgage interest, other financing costs and depreciation related to certain property, including land, buildings and non movable equipment. It is calculated only once, at the time the facility begins operation.