Buying / Procurement Officer

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“Buying / Procurement Officer Frequently Asked Questions in various Buying / Procurement Officer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

51 Buying / Procurement Officer Questions And Answers

3⟩ Tell us what Attracted You To This Purchase & Logistics Manager Vacancy?

This is a good question for a lot of prospective employers to ask you at the start of the interview, as it allows them to weigh up your motivations. Obviously this question requires you to understand the job advert/spec inside and out, so have a good think about why you wanted to apply. There are lots of different reasons you could use; it could be that it was the company in particular or a specific aspect of the job description that you were interested in. That said; try not to use the salary as a reason, it just looks like you’re only in it for the money, which is never a good sign for a prospective employer.


4⟩ Tell me what are the challenges do companies faces as they try to improve Supply Chain Management?

Employers are asking this question to check your problem solving skills to improve the present situation and to check how much you are updated with the present market challenges.

So, a good answer probably, that as companies are challenged with finding ways to meet ever-rising customer expectations at a manageable cost. To do so, businesses must identify which parts of their supply chain process are not competitive, understand which customer needs are not being met, establish improvement goals, and rapidly implement necessary improvements.


7⟩ Tell me how do purchasers find their suppliers. Are there favorite places they look?

A prime source for finding new suppliers is the Thomas Register. The Thomas Register lists manufacturers by product categories and geographic location. Thomas Register supplier information can be obtained online from their website (its free), a set of their cds which can be networked within a company, and their set of catalogs. Another good source for finding suppliers is through Trade Associations, most can be accessed online. Another good source is and internet search engines such as which can be used to search for specific products, commodities, jobs, and iterviews or companies.