Cruise Hostess

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“Cruise Hostess Frequently Asked Questions in various Cruise Hostess job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

56 Cruise Hostess Questions And Answers

21⟩ General Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions

☛ Which of your past jobs is the most relevant to the job you are applying for?

☛ What education and training is relevant to the job you are applying for?

☛ What did you like about your previous job?

☛ What did you dislike about your previous job?

☛ How many hours do you work per day? per week?

☛ Why did you leave/quit?

☛ What’s the worst place you ever worked?

☛ Have you ever had a conflict with your boss? How was it resolved?

☛ Have you ever had a conflict with a co-worker? How was it resolved?

☛ What are your hobbies/past time activities?

☛ What have you accomplished in your past jobs?

☛ Do you have any cruise ship experience?

☛ Do you have any actual [insert position here] experience?

☛ How would your past employers describe you?


22⟩ Tell me what makes the information in the Members Services section better than other information on the internet?

We have been the leading cruise ship job and beach resort employment research organization for over fifteen years. No other company has the experience that we have in helping people navigate their employment options in these industries. A large number of industry insiders and experts have played a part in helping us put our resources together. There simply isn't any other information available anywhere that is as thorough, up-to-date, and dedicated specifically to help people find employment on cruise ships, private yachts, at beach resorts or as tour guides.

Yes, you can find some limited information for free on the internet. But, to maximize your efficiency of getting one of these jobs, it is important to have the best resources available. We simplify everything for you and provide you with a strategy to succeed.


23⟩ Explain what are some of the places a person may get to see as an employee aboard one of the larger cruise lines?

The ports of call and sheer number of destinations reached by cruise lines today offer cruise employees an unparalleled opportunity for travel. For instance, last year a Princess Cruises cruise ship traveled from Acapulco, through the Panama Canal, around the Caribbean, across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. Then headed down to North Africa, around the British Isles, through the Baltic Sea, and back across the Atlantic to New York.

Today, cruise ships are sailing all over the world, so you have the opportunity to visit a number of exciting destinations.


25⟩ Tell me what if I become really sick or get injured on the ship?

While you are working for the cruise line whether it be onboard or off you are covered by them medically. If you are at sea and become ill, you may see the nurse and/or doctor for free in the ship's medical facilities. If you become so ill or injured that you are no longer able to finish your contract, you will disembark and absorb the costs of ongoing treatment yourself (often covered by your health insurance). It is always best to inquire about the medical coverage you will receive prior to accepting a contract.

If the company you are going to work for does not offer a comprehensive health insurance policy, you may want to keep (or get) your own health insurance policy or take out a traveler's insurance policy through a private company.


26⟩ Tell me what are the living conditions like aboard a cruise ship at sea?

While it is true that accommodations are sometimes cramped, especially on smaller vessels, and you'll be sharing your cabin with little or no privacy, most find the experience similar to their fist year in college dorm, but without the homework. Usually staff have their own dining room, away from the passengers and on days off, employees can hang out by the pool, sunbathe, or use the spa. Some ships provide extra amenities for employees, such as televisions for each room, a special crew bar and lounge and special recreation lounges near the crew quarters.


27⟩ Tell me what if I've never worked on a cruise ship before?

For many positions, cruise lines do not expect you to have previous experience working on a cruise ship. However, you should call out any experience you have had that might relate to jobs on cruise ships. This can include working at a restaurant, gift shop, health club, retail store, to name a few. Basically many jobs on cruise ships are not too much different than jobs in other industries. Cruise lines are more concerned that you will be a good hard worker and help to make the cruise customers have a wonderful experience on their cruise line.


30⟩ Tell me how long does it take me to set up a job using your service?

First of all, we don't guarantee jobs. What we do is provide you with the best resources and tools available to help you research and apply for the jobs that are best suited to your needs.

For those hired, the time it takes varies from several days to several months. The process for getting a job will vary greatly by company, time of year, and type of job.


31⟩ Tell me how can I remain in contact with my world at home?

Many cruise ships do offer internet connections for laptop computers and also have a computer lounge for those without computers (however there may be a fee for both of these options). If the cost is more than you want to pay, it is common for crew members to visit one of the many internet cafes that are in each of the ports of call.

You may keep in touch with people from back home through e-mail, cellular phones, phone cards and mail. Mail goes to the company agents in various ports and is delivered to ships when they dock there and distributed on board. The internet offers many ways to stay connected with the world when you are away. Online banking, shopping and correspondence can keep your life up and running.


36⟩ I have never been at sea for very long, what happens if I get seasick?

Most cruise ships are large and seasickness is usually not a problem. There is some generic over the counter medicine that can help you with seasickness. Most people find that getting some fresh air on a deck that is in the middle of the ship and lower will be a little less rocky. Additionally, many find that their seasickness goes away after their body has had some time to adapt.


40⟩ Tell me can I apply for a specific ship with a cruise line?

The best course of action is to apply to the various cruise companies of your choice. After you have made a strong impression on the company and they indicate they would like for you to work for them, politely request a ship you would like to work on.