Sencha Touch

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“Sencha Touch frequently Asked Questions in various Sencha Touch job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

14 Sencha Touch Questions And Answers

1⟩ What is Sencha Touch?

Sencha Touch is a user interface (UI) JavaScript library, or framework, specifically built for the Mobile Web. It can be used by Web developers to develop user interfaces for mobile web applications that look and feel like native applications on supported mobile devices. It is fully based on web standards such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Sencha Touch aims to enable developers to quickly and easily create HTML5 based mobile apps that work on Android, iOS, Windows, Tizen and BlackBerry devices, and produce a native-app-like experience inside a browser.


2⟩ Explain Sencha Touch Features?

Sencha Touch includes a set of graphical user interface GUI-based controls (or components) for use within mobile web applications. These components are optimized for touch input. The components are: buttons with device specific themes and effects; form elements such as text fields for email, date picker, and address; sliders, selectors, and combo-boxes; a list component with momentum-scrolling and an index bar; a minimal icon set; toolbars and menus; movable tabs; bottom toolbars; and a map component with support for multi-touch gestures such as pinch and zoom.

All the components can be themed according to the target device. This is done using Sass, a stylesheet language built over CSS.

Sencha Touch has eight in-built transition effects including slide over or under the current element, pop, flip, and cube. It supports common touch gestures built from touch events, which are Web standards but supported only by Android, iOS, and some touch enabled devices. These are tap, double tap, swipe, scroll, and pinch.


4⟩ What is the GPL v3?

The GNU General Public License(GPL) is the most widely used free and open source software (FOSS) license in the world. The GPL was created and sponsored by the Free Software Foundation (FSF)


5⟩ What is an x-Credit>?

x-Credits are a currency used to meter Support Tickets or request other types of assistance available under a Sencha support plan as described in Table 1 above. For example, a Support Ticket uses 10 x-Credits per incident. Telephone Support uses 50 x-Credits per hour with a 25 x-Credit minimum. The available number of x-Credits depends on the Support Plan you purchase, as described in Table 1. Premium Support forums are available 24*7*365 and do not use any x-Credits.


6⟩ What if my Embedded Device has a browser built in?

Distribution of a Sencha Touch application through a general purpose browser, regardless of the device, is free of charge an embedded license is not required. A general purpose web browser has a URL bar and a general browser "Chrome".


8⟩ What is new in Sencha Touch Audio Video feature?

Audio Video Support:

Provides HTML5 to deliver components like audio and video, as well as a local Storage proxy for saving data offline. Provides CSS3 style sheets for robust styling layer possible.

Provides a simple Container for HTML5 Video


11⟩ Which type GUI supported bu Sencha Touch?

GUI Support:

Easily scales to different resolutions for maximum compatibility with different iPhone, iPad, and the various Android phones.

HTML5 and CSS3 allow higher flexibility.

Great support for animations and enhanced touch events


12⟩ What is Senchas current road map for Ext JS?

Sencha publishes the road map for all of our frameworks under each respective products' "Road Map" tab. To learn more about our current Ext JS Road Map, visit Sencha's Ext JS Road Map page.


13⟩ Tell us what you know about Sencha Touch?

Sencha Touch is a user interface (UI) JavaScript library, or framework, specifically built for Mobile Web. It can be used by Web developers to develop user interfaces for mobile web applications that look and feel like native applications on supported mobile devices. It is fully based on web standards such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.Sencha Touch enables you to quickly and easily create HTML5 based mobile apps that work on Android, iOS and Blackberry devices and produce a native-app-like experience inside a browser.