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⟩ Explain Sencha Touch Features?

Sencha Touch includes a set of graphical user interface GUI-based controls (or components) for use within mobile web applications. These components are optimized for touch input. The components are: buttons with device specific themes and effects; form elements such as text fields for email, date picker, and address; sliders, selectors, and combo-boxes; a list component with momentum-scrolling and an index bar; a minimal icon set; toolbars and menus; movable tabs; bottom toolbars; and a map component with support for multi-touch gestures such as pinch and zoom.

All the components can be themed according to the target device. This is done using Sass, a stylesheet language built over CSS.

Sencha Touch has eight in-built transition effects including slide over or under the current element, pop, flip, and cube. It supports common touch gestures built from touch events, which are Web standards but supported only by Android, iOS, and some touch enabled devices. These are tap, double tap, swipe, scroll, and pinch.


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