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“Cloud Computing frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Cloud Computing. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

36 Cloud Computing Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain what are the three cost factors involves in cloud data center?

Cloud data center doesn’t require experts to operate it, but it requires skilled people to see the maintenance, maintain the workloads and to keep the track of the traffic. The labor cost is 6% of the total cost to operate the cloud data center. Power distribution and cooling of the datacenter cost 20% of the total cost. Computing cost is at the end and is the highest as it is where lots of resources and installation has to be done. It costs the maximum left percentage.


22⟩ What is Low-Density Datacenters?

These datacenters are optimized to give high performance. In these datacenters the space constraint is being removed and there is an increased density. It has a drawback that with high density the heat issue also creeps in. These datacenters are very much suitable to develop the cloud infrastructure.


23⟩ Name few platforms which are used for large scale cloud computing?

There are many platforms available for cloud computing but to model the large scale distributed computing the platforms are as follows:

1. MapReduce: is software that is being built by Google to support distributed computing. It is a framework that works on large set of data. It utilizes the cloud resources and distributes the data to several other computers known as clusters. It has the capability to deal with both structured and non-structured data.

2. Apache Hadoop: is an open source distributed computing platform. It is being written in Java. It creates a pool of computer each with hadoop file system. It then clusters the data elements and applies the hash algorithms that are similar. Then it creates copy of the files that already exist.


24⟩ What is the use of API’s in cloud services?

API stands for Application programming interface is very useful in cloud platforms as it allows easy implementation of it on the system. It removes the need to write full fledged programs. It provides the instructions to make the communication between one or more applications. It also allows easy to create application with ease and link the cloud services with other systems.


25⟩ Tell me what are the different datacenters deployed for this?

Cloud computing is made up of various datacenters put together in a grid form. It consists of different datacenters like:

• Containerized Datacenters

These are the traditional datacenters that allow high level of customization with servers, mainframe and other resources. It requires planning, cooling, networking and power to access and work.

• Low-Density Datacenters

These datacenters are optimized to give high performance. In these datacenters the space constraint is being removed and there is an increased density. It has a drawback that with high density the heat issue also creeps in. These datacenters are very much suitable to develop the cloud infrastructure.


26⟩ Tell me what are some examples of large cloud providers and their databases?

Cloud computing has many providers and it is supported on the large scale. The providers with their databases are as follows:

• Google bigtable: it is a hybrid cloud that consists of a big table that is spilt into tables and rows. MapReduce is used for modifying and generating the data.

• Amazon SimpleDB: is a webservice that is used for indexing and querying the data. It allows the storing, processing and creating query on the data set within the cloud platform. It has a system that automatically indexes the data.

• Cloud based SQL: is introduced by Microsoft and it is based on SQL database. it provides data storage by the usage of relational model in the cloud. The data can be accessed from the cloud using the client application.


27⟩ Tell me what are different data types used in cloud computing?

Cloud computing is going all together for a different look as it now includes different data types like emails, contracts, images, blogs, etc. The amount of data increasing day by day and cloud computing is requiring new and efficient data types to store them. For example if you want to save video then you need a data type to save that. Latency requirements are increasing as the demand is increasing. Companies are going for lower latency for many applications.


28⟩ What are the different modes of software as a service?

Software as a Service provides cloud application platform on which user can create application with the tools provided. The modes of software as a service are defined as:

1. Simple multi-tenancy: in this each user has its own resources that are different from other users. It is an inefficient mode where the user has to put more time and money to add more infrastructure if the demand rises in less time to deliver.

2. Fine grain multi-tenancy: in this the functionality remains the same that the resources can be shared to many. But it is more efficient as the resources are shared not the data and permission within an application.


29⟩ Please tell me what does a VPN consists of?

VPN is known as virtual private network and it consists of two important things:

1. Firewall: it acts as a barrier between the public network and any private network. It filters the messages that are getting exchanged between the networks. It also protects from any malicious activity being done on the network.

2. Encryption: it is used to protect the sensitive data from professional hackers and other spammers who are usually remain active to get the data. With a message always there will be a key with which you can match the key provided to you.


30⟩ What is Containerized Datacenters?

These are the traditional datacenters that allow high level of customization with servers, mainframe and other resources. It requires planning, cooling, networking and power to access and work.


31⟩ What is the difference between traditional datacenters and cloud?

Cloud computing uses the concept of datacenter as it is the datacenter is based on the tradition one so the difference between them are as follows:

• Cost of the traditional datacenter is higher, due to heating issues and other hardware/software related issues but this is not the case with the cloud computing infrastructure.

• It gets scaled when the demand increases. Most of the cost is being spent on the maintenance being performed on the datacenters, whereas cloud platform requires minimum maintenance and not very expert hand to handle them.


32⟩ Tell me how the cloud services are measured?

Cloud computing provides the services to the organizations so they can run their applications and install them on the cloud. Virtualization is used to deploy the cloud computing models as it provides a hidden layer between the user and the physical layer of the system. The cloud services are measured in terms of use. Pay as much as you use that can be on the basis of hours or months or years. Cloud services allow users to pay for only what they use and according to the demand the charges or the prices gets increased.


33⟩ How important is platform as a service?

Platform as a Service is an important layer in cloud architecture. It is built on the infrastructure model, which provides resources like computers, storage and network. This layer includes organizing and operate the resources provided by the below layer. It is also responsible to provide complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer to make it look like a single server and keep it hidden from the outside world.


34⟩ What do you understand from VPN?

VPN stands for virtual private network; it is a private cloud which manages the security of the data during the transport in the cloud environment. VPN allows an organization to make a public network as private network and use it to transfer files and other resources on a network.


35⟩ What is Private Cloud?

Organizations choose to build there private cloud as to keep the strategic, operation and other reasons to themselves and they feel more secure to do it. It is a complete platform which is fully functional and can be owned, operated and restricted to only an organization or an industry. More organizations have moved to private clouds due to security concerns. Virtual private cloud is being used that operate by a hosting company.


36⟩ Explain what are the optimizing strategies used in cloud?

To optimize the cost and other resources there is a concept of three-data-center which provides backups in cases of disaster recovery and allows you to keep all the data intact in the case of any failure within the system. System management can be done more efficiently by carrying out pre-emptive tasks on the services and the processes which are running for the job. Security can be more advanced to allow only the limited users to access the services.