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“Moodle Interview Questions and Answers will teach us now that Moodle stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is a free and open-source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment. So start preparation of Moodle jobs with this Moodle Interview Questions with Answers guide”

27 Moodle Questions And Answers

1⟩ Can you be anonymous in Moodle?

Generally, no. However, some areas are more private than others and certain information will be kept from other Moodle users (for example, fellow students). An exception to this is the Feedback activity which can be set to be anonymous.


5⟩ Can I upload multiple files to Moodle at the same time?

Uploading files in Moodle is, unfortunately, not as easy as weí would like (However, feature requests for drag and drop in future have been made). You can upload several files to Moodle at once if you use zip. Zip the files on your PC and upload the zip file to your Moodle course. In your course sites files in Moodle, you will see an "unzip" option next to the file. This can be used to transfer (for example) whole websites into Moodle.


6⟩ Can I share my Quizzes with other courses?

Yes. Quizzes in Moodle are made from banks of questions that you create. You can then sort them into categories which can be 'published'.

By default all questions that you create will go into the "Default" category, but you can (and probably should) create new categories to organise your questions. A questionbank can be shared with other courses - this must be done by your Moodle administrator. If you wish to share questions with another moodle site, a category can be exported. There are a number of formats but the Moodle XML format is the most comprehensive. These can then be imported at the other site.


7⟩ Can I put video into Moodle?

Yes, you can upload video files like any other file resource up to the maximum size allowed by your Moodle site. As video files can be large this probably means that they will need to be small, short and of low resolution. You are strongly recommended to encode video files in Flash Video format (see For larger video files you may wish to consider using the University's streaming media services. You are strongly advised to seek advice from the LTU ( if considering using video in your course.


8⟩ Can I put my Power Point files into Moodle?

Yes. Note, however, that there are issues with the size of PowerPoint files. They tend to contain additional information that is not required for display only and embedded graphics are often much larger than they need to be. In extreme cases your PowerPoint may be too large to upload to Moodle. Microsoft has some advice on reducing file sizes here:


10⟩ Can I move things in Moodle easily?

It is generally the case that there is nothing in Moodle that becomes set in stone. You can always go back and change things later. Resources and Activities in courses can be moved about at will. With editing on, look for the double arrow icon to the right of each resource/activity/block. Once you've clicked the double arrow icon your screen will change and you will see several blank boxes. Click on the blank box where you wish to move your resource/activity/block.


11⟩ How do I get/set configuration settings?

To get config values you would typically access the global $CFG object directly, which is automatically created by the core Moodle scripts. To set these "main" config values use set_config($name, $value). The values are stored in the Moodle "config" database table, but these functions take care of cacheing on your behalf, so you should always use these rather than fetching the records directly.

There is also a second table of config settings specifically for plugins ("config_plugin"). These are not automatically loaded into the $CFG object, so to fetch these you would use get_config($plugin, $name). To set them use set_config($name, $value, $plugin).


12⟩ Can I put audio files into Moodle?

Yes, you can upload audio files into Moodle like any other file resource up to the maximum file size allowed for your Moodle site. You should ensure that the files have been recorded or re-encoded as MP3 files. Moodle contains a built-in player for MP3 files. If you need any help with this contact the LTU (


13⟩ How do the limits on uploaded files work?

File upload sizes are restricted in a number of ways - each one in the list restricts the following ones.

1. Firstly, there is a setting in Apache 2 which you may need to change. On Redhat this setting is very low by default, you can change the limit by adding or editing a line in Apache's /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and/or /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf with the upload size in bytes (different operating systems may have these files in different locations):

LimitRequestBody 10485760

2. PHP also has two more byte limits, which you can set in php.ini and sometimes in a .htaccess file:

php_value upload_max_filesize 50000000

php_value post_max_size 50000000

To convert from Bytes to Megabytes use this convertor

Please note that a server re-start may be required for the above changes to take effect.

3. Moodle has a site-wide limit called maxbytes that may be set in Administration > Configuration > Variables.

4. A limit may be set by teachers in the Course settings.


15⟩ How do I enable/disable debugging?

There are a few ways you can enable or disable debugging on your site. If you are able to login as an administrator and access the Site Administration block, then the easiest way is to go to Admin->Server->Debugging and set it there. There are several options - the most often recommended setting for debugging is 'ALL: Show all reasonable PHP debugging messages'. To disable debugging, simply set this to 'NONE: Do not show any errors or warnings.'.


16⟩ How can I grade some of my activities without the results affecting my students course total?

1. Create two Grade categories, one for your activities still being graded, and one for your released activities.

2. Ensure that "Aggregate including subcategories" (an advanced option) is unchecked for your top level course grade category.

3. Edit the "unreleased" category's "course total" item.

4. Set the "grade type" to "none".

5. Tick the "Hidden" checkbox.

6. Save your changes.

7. Move all your activities being graded in the "unreleased" category.

8. Move all your activities already graded in the "released" category.


17⟩ Can I hide sections of a course from students and reveal them one at a time?

Yes. Beside each Topic Block in a Moodle course (and each individual resource or activity) you will see an eye icon (when your editing is turned on). If you click the eye so that it is closed, this entire block will be hidden from students on a course. Clicking the eye again will open it. This can not be done automatically, however.


18⟩ How many depths of categories/subcategories can I create?

There is no programmatic limit, but there are practical limits. Very deeply nested structures are difficult to manage. 3 levels of categories should be sufficient for most situations.

Note that there is always at least one level of categories, since the Course category always encompasses all other categories and grade items, can cannot be deleted.


20⟩ What is the definition of Role ,Capability ,Permission ,Context ?


An identifier of the user's status in some context, for example Teacher, Student and Forum moderator


A description of a particular Moodle feature, for example moodle/blog:create


A setting for a capability - inherit, allow, prevent or prohibit


A "space" in Moodle, such as courses, activity modules or blocks