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“Day care assistant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Day Care Assistant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

47 Day Care Assistant Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me what do you like most about children?

Their enthusiasm. Each child that I have had the good fortune to look after, has been a complete joy owing to his or her individuality. Children have so much capacity to learn and as a mentor and caregiver, I like the fact that I can be a positive influence on how they will lead their adult life.


3⟩ Tell us how do you handle working with children of different age groups?

Most likely as a preschool teacher you will be working with students from ages three to five. The interviewer wants to make sure your curriculum will be relevant to the entire range of age groups.

"The most important thing I keep in mind when working with children of different age groups is to keep each child engaged and mentally stimulated. Everyone must have equal attention because often if a child feels neglected they will start to act out. All students physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs should be met and further developed. I make sure to keep a diverse curriculum that is specified and beneficial to each age. I develop cross-age activities as well."


4⟩ As you know safeguarding is an important and topical issue. When going into someone's home, how would you know they are safe and healthy? If you felt concerned, what would you do?

You need to explain what you'd look out for and the signs that someone is in a safe environment. For example, you need to look around at their surroundings; does the person look cared for, do they have somewhere clean to sleep, do they have food and water available, are there signs of abuse, and have there been any behavioral changes? The care worker would need to speak to the person to see if they reveal anything, and if they have ongoing concerns, report it to their manager. We need people who take the time to follow up with someone if they're worried.


6⟩ Tell me what do you enjoy most about being an early childhood educator? What do you find most difficult?

This is likely one of the most important interview questions for daycare workers you are considering. Asking about what he or she enjoys - and what they don't - helps you to really get to know the person you are interviewing. You will get a feel for what motivates or discourages them, and start to develop a picture of whether or not they will be happy working at your center for a long period of time. It can also provide you with a heads up about potential issues that could develop down the road, such as if a candidate mentions they love working with children, but finds it difficult to work with parents.


7⟩ Tell me if you were delivering personal support to someone, how would you maintain their dignity and respect?

This gets candidates to think about how the other person is going to feel. They need to show they can do the job empathetically, encouraging the individual to do as much for themselves as possible, while offering support. The most important thing is to always communicate. Show you understand what needs doing, but highlight that you would give the person the choice as to whether they want to have a bath or go to the toilet, for example. Explain how you would promote the person's independence and help them over time gain the ability to do more for themselves. It shows us the candidate has a deep understanding of the role.


8⟩ Tell me have you experienced any situations that have influenced your approach to child care?

A good way to ask about a candidate's past experiences, this question will get the interviewee thinking about their previous jobs and how they have helped them grow as a daycare worker. Ask specifically about each job listed on their resume, and whether or not they gained valuable lessons from each. Their answers will reveal insights into how they currently work with coworkers, children and their families.


9⟩ Tell me if you were to operate your own childcare program, what key components would you include to make it successful?

This is an effective question to get a deeper look into what the candidate knows about quality early childhood education. Do they talk about establishing an exciting curriculum, but neglect to mention aspects of safety? Do they mention anything about working well with other staff members and keeping parents involved? Pay careful attention to not only what they mention, but also what they exclude.


11⟩ Operational and Situational Day Care Assistant Job Interview Questions

☛ What do you like most about working with children?

☛ What do you like least about working with children?

☛ What age groups do you prefer to work with?

☛ Describe a time you resolved an issue with an unhappy parent.

☛ What’s the relationship between customer service and child care?

☛ How would you help new parents feel that you’re providing the best care for their baby?

☛ Define success as a preschool teacher.

☛ How do you know if your teaching strategies are effective?

☛ How do you handle misbehavior in the classroom?

☛ What five items would you put in an empty classroom?

☛ What would you do if children were fighting and got physical? (Biting, hitting, etc)

☛ How does the day of an infant in your classroom differ from the day of a toddler in your classroom?


14⟩ Please explain success for you as a preschool teacher?

Children in their formative years require more out of a teacher than others. The interviewer wants to find out if you have any goals or takeaways for your preschoolers.

"I have a few goals I aim to achieve that allow me to measure my success as well. First, my overall objective is to instill a positive attitude towards education. Second, I strive to build independence and confidence in my preschoolers so that they use their full potential. Lastly, I teach my students to celebrate their differences and interact positively with one another. If they walk away with at least a little of each aspect, then I feel as though I have succeeded in my role."


15⟩ Tell us what is your background with children?

I have provided care to newborn babies and children aged up to 10 years. I can handle children’s personal and nutritional needs perfectly and have helped older children with homework as well. Since I have been a child caregiver for 12 years, I have seen, experienced and managed even the toughest situations with children quite easily.


16⟩ Describe yourself in 3 words?

If you've only got three words, you need to make sure the ones you choose will leave a big impression on the interviewer. The following words are always seen as desirable; Dependable, Punctual, Honest, Driven, Reliable, Organised, Positive, Achiever, Ambitious, Energetic, Dedicated, Friendly, Motivated, Flexible, Responsible.

In such a situation you can use positive words that bring about your most positive characteristics. The answer should also be ground in solid logic and should reference professional achievements.


18⟩ What are your biggest strengths as Day Care Assistant?

Again this is a very common question and one you should prepare for in advance. Try to be original and imaginative in your response as opposed to the standard ‘I am a hard worker’.

To prepare, create a list of all your knowledge based skills, transferrable skills and personable skills. Then read the job specification and try to identify which skills would be relevant to the job in question. Once identified, narrow the list down to three core skills and try and think of examples to demonstrate your key strengths.


20⟩ How do you handle confidentiality in your work as Day Care Assistant?

Often, interviewers will ask questions to find out the level of technical knowledge that a candidate has concerning the duties of a care assistant. In a question such as this, there is an opportunity to demonstrate professional knowledge and awareness. The confidentiality of a person’s medical records is an important factor for a care assistant to bear in mind.