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“Translator based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Translator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

74 Translator Questions And Answers

3⟩ What can you do for us that other candidates can not?

I am a native Spanish speaking , I have work my way up to learn and graduate from school not knowing English when I came to this country , I am strong and take seriously my job, my life, everything and I put 110% to get the things done and learn everyday .


8⟩ Tell me how did you land your first translation job?

I got my first job through Georgetown University right after I'd graduated from their program. A prestigious law firm needed a freelancer to translate some correspondence that was going to be presented in an international lawsuit, so they called Georgetown asking for the names and phone numbers of the most recent graduates of the Spanish to English program, and contacted me.


9⟩ Tell us somthing about your education?

Tell about the education degrees you have completed in your past. You can also mention the status of your current education if you are doing some higher degrees such as PhD. or some other.


10⟩ Where did you gain experience as Translator?

You'll always be asked about your interpreting experience. You can prepare ahead of time by asking yourself the following questions, and being prepared to provide this information to your interviewer when asked.

► Did you attend ITP or take interpreting classes to understand how it works in the interpreting world?

► Have you taken classes/workshops to expand your education and skills that will help as an interpreter?

► Have you trained in positions that are relevant to the interpreting assignments (ie. medical, legal, workshops, etc)

► Where did you work?

► What interpreting experience do you have?

► How long have you been an interpreter? Specifically, certified? State credential?

► Did you take on any additional responsibilities as an interpreter to enhance your skills?

► Did you identify problem areas and improved those areas to enhance quality service?

► What have you done that will show me that you can do this job?

Many companies are curious what your past experience or what you have done to enhance your education or learning for improvement. When someone takes the time to go to workshops/classes or accept feedback (both pro/con) graciously and improve upon it in an effort to provide better service is something that companies do look for.


14⟩ Explain to me do you care about our work?

Hiring someone is an investment, and interviewers believe (as you would expect) that someone genuinely interested in the organization's work will be the better hire. So, what she really wants to know is whether this particular job and company is part of your career path, or whether you'll be jumping ship in a year once you land your "real" dream job.

So how should you answer? If the position you're interviewing for is on the track to your goals, share that, plus give some specifics. For example, if you're interviewing for an account executive position an advertising firm, and you know your goal is to become an account supervisor, say that. And then add specifics about the sort of clients you hope to work with, which will help your answer sound genuine, not canned-and again show why this particular company will be a good fit.

If the position isn't necessarily a one-way ticket to your aspirations, the best approach is to be genuine, but to follow your answer up by connecting the dots between the specific duties in this role and your future goals. It's OK to say that you're not quite sure what the future holds, but that you see this experience playing an important role in helping you make that decision, or that you're excited about the management or communications skills you'll gain.


18⟩ Tell us can you be an ambassador for our organization?

Any candidate can read and regurgitate the company's "About" page. So, when an interviewer asks you this, she isn't necessarily trying to gauge whether you understand the mission-she wants to know whether you care about it, and she's looking for who in the applicant pool can most effectively discuss the organization's work and its impact.

So, in addition to doing your research on the company's work, think about concrete ways it relates to your passions and experiences, and weave them into your answer.

Start with one line that shows you understand the mission, using a couple key words and phrases from the website, but then go on to make it personal. Say, "I'm personally drawn to this mission because…" or "I really believe in this approach because…" and share a personal example or two. For example, if you're interviewing at a school that stresses character, share some specific character-building education activities you've led for students in your last job. If you're interviewing for a position at a hospital, talk about the 5K you recently ran to raise money for leukemia or your passion for volunteering your time to help children with cancer.


19⟩ Tell Me Who Are You?

One of the most common interview tactics is to ask you to tell the interviewers something about yourself.

► Keep it factual

► Keep it honest

► Keep it simple and to the point

► Keep it related to the job you are interested in

► This is not the time to share your life story or any other personal stories

Just what kind of person are you? Be honest about who you are. Employers will truly look into that when hiring someone. Employers are always looking for employees to match with other people who you interact with, how you interact with other people, how you respond about yourself.