Process flow for Procure to pay will go through two departments
(Commercial & Finance)
Procure - Commercial Department The following steps invovle to prcure any item
1. Received Requsition from concern Department
2. Request for Quotation from Suppliers at least three
3. Finalize the best Quotation by keeping in mind about our companies standard
4. Check the Budget for the same
5. Negociate with supplier for more economic pricing and finalize the payment terms
6. Process the PO and forward to the supplier to supply the goods and services
Pay Cycle - Finance Department
The following steps need to be fulfil
1. Invoice should be match with PO
2. Invoice should has all the supporting documents such as PO copy,Delivery note duly signed by reciever (our staff who authorized to received goods / store keeper)
3. If the invoice is for services then it should be forwarded to the concern department head or project manager for his confirmation of work done and his approval
4. Even if it not the services invoice, it should forwarded to the concern person's approval who request the PO for the same
5. Finance can reject the invoice if it is not budgeted and ask for the reasons.
6. After receiving all the confirmation and approvals from the concern department heads the invoice will be update in to the accounting system first in order to avoid any duplication of Invoice and PO (it shown on accounting package if the invoice is duplicate if not, altelast it tells you if the PO already used or cancel)
7. Finance approved the invoice and process the payment base on payment terms with the supplier.