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“Benefits Analyst related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Benefits Analyst. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

53 Benefits Analyst Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me how do you define a requirement?

A requirement is the capability possessed by a solution to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Requirements are input to various stages of SDLC and must be properly documented and validated by the business users/stakeholders.


2⟩ Tell me why are flowcharts important?

The hiring manager is trying to learn how you will work with all team members. A suitable answer here is that flowcharts play an important role in explaining concepts and processes to both technical and nontechnical members.


3⟩ Explain me what do you think are the key strengths of a business analyst?

Since business analysis is an evolving and multifaceted profession, hiring managers want to know that you are aware of the necessary skills for success. You probably have your own list, but make sure to highlight both technical and nontechnical attributes you can bring to the job.

The job description should provide clues as to what types of skills the employer is looking for on both fronts — especially technical requirements. Learning what you can about the company culture prior to the interview can also provide insight on interpersonal abilities that will likely be valued.


4⟩ Explain me when do you know that you have gathered all the requirements?

Once the requirements are gathered, they are validated by the business users/client. It is only after the approval of the business users, the requirements are considered as to be completed. Additionally, it should be validated that:

☛ They are elicited from all the stakeholders from all they key stakeholders of the project.

☛ They align with the project’s business case.

☛ When they could be done with the resources available i.e. attainable.

☛ When the stakeholders of the project are in consensus with the elicited requirements.

All the requirements which pass the above four criteria, they are considered to be as formal and final. These requirements re then documented and become a part of the project scope.


5⟩ Please explain about your typical project approach?

Here, the hiring manager wants to ensure you have an overall understanding of the business analysis planning process. Rather than listing numerous projects and processes, talk more about the general phases or types of deliverables you might create, while letting the hiring manager know you can customize your approaches to projects.


6⟩ Tell me how do you handle changes to requirements?

Your logical-thinking skills are being put to the test with this question. As you answer, highlight how you thoughtfully respond to changing situations.

One potential response is something along the lines of, “First, I prioritize the changes to requirements, scope of changes and the impact analysis to the project. Next, I perform an impact analysis to the project cost, timeline and resources. Finally, I evaluate whether the scope change is introducing new gaps to the technical or functional designs or development and testing.”


7⟩ Tell me what type of projects do you enjoy working on?

This helps gain deeper insight into candidates’ motivation for their work.

Their answers can help gauge where their interests may align within the scope of the open position, in terms of the immediate needs of the role, and how their strengths can prove effective over the long term.


8⟩ Tell me if they’re not currently employed, I ask Why did you leave your last role?

Finding out why someone left their last role tells a lot about the person’s work performance and expectations. Red flags can already begin to emerge during this conversation, and it may help lead to more probing questions.

For example, if a candidate is looking for growth opportunities but hasn’t sought project work or an increased workload in his or her current role, it may signal an unwillingness to work for a promotion while still expecting it.


9⟩ Explain me how do you define the role of a BA in an organization?

A business analyst is a liaison between different stakeholders in an organization. He acts as a bridge, a connector and helps the complete project team work as a tightly integrated unit.

Since stakeholders belong to different domains (e.g. finance, business, marketing) it’s very important for a business analyst to be able to sort and balance the needs of these stakeholders while fulfilling the business objectives at the same time.


11⟩ Explain how do you avoid scope creep?

Scope creep is a hindrance to the project’s success and could be avoided by:

☛ Clearly document the scope of the project.

☛ Following proper change management.

☛ Informing the effects of change to the affected parties before making a change.

☛ Documenting the new requirements in the project log.

☛ Refrain from adding additional features to the existing functionalities (also called Gold Plating)


12⟩ Explain what do you know about scope creep?

Scope creep, also known as requirement creep is a term that denotes uncontrolled changes/deviation in the project’s scope without an increase in the other resources (schedule, budget) of the project.

Scope creep is a risk to the project and is usually caused by poor project management, improper documentation of project’s requirements and poor communication between the project’s stakeholders.


13⟩ Tell me what are your minimum salary requirements?

Very few applicants indicate their salary requirements on the front end for fear that they’ll overprice themselves and be ruled out. But, if possible, I try to at least get them to give me a salary range. This way, if they’re way over my budget, I don’t waste my time or theirs.


14⟩ Explain what is a typical day of your BA job like?

Interviewers often ask this question to ascertain your work experience, how you handle multiple things and your perception about the job.

You should stress upon depicting that there is no typical day for a BA and how varied your work is, through the day. Show your rich experience by explaining how you responds to the emails, meeting with the subject matter experts, clarification of the business flow to the technical team, discussion with the project manager over the project status, preparation and review of functional documents.


15⟩ Explain me how would you approach a superior with a suggestion, problem, or criticism?

This question gives you a peek into how the candidate could handle team dynamics and the problems that may arise, as well as how they deal with addressing issues that may need supervision from management. No one wants a subordinate that’s constantly making a mountain out of a molehill or going over their head on petty issues, but it can be just as damaging if the employee is too timid to bring problems to light until it’s too late. Use this to get an idea of their conflict resolution skills and how much confidence they have in dealing with uncomfortable situations.


16⟩ Tell me what steps or techniques do you take to ensure you meet the commitments of your role?

Candidates’ answers tell a lot about their follow-through on commitments and dedication to their jobs. Look for specifics in their responses.

Dedicated, committed employees will be able to speak to their efforts to ensure they do a good job in their roles. They will speak to prioritizing tasks and managing their time.


17⟩ Explain me about a time when you had to use your interpersonal skills to build a network of contacts to reach goals?

I’m looking for candidates to describe how they’ve done this in the past and how building a network helped them be successful. I’m also looking for creative or unique ways they’ve thought outside the box in order to get introduced to new contacts or reach their goals.

How they answer this question allows me to understand their communication skills, as well as their ability to build rapport and long-term relationships with others.


18⟩ Behavioral Benefits Analyst Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell me about a time you made a suggestion that resulted in a significant spending cut

☛ Recall a time you had to defend a budget recommendation to a demanding executive. Was the recommendation approved in the end?

☛ Describe a time when you had to present a budget recommendation to an multi-disciplinary audience. How did you make yourself understood to all of them?

☛ Give me an example of a time you used financial information to solve a problem

☛ Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a department’s manager over budget


19⟩ General Health and Benefits Analyst interview questions

☛ What contributions have you made to a group project?

☛ How do you handle pressure and stress?

☛ How many hours do you normally work?

☛ What other positions have you had that qualify you for this position?

☛ Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?

☛ What qualifications do you have that make you think that you will be successful?

☛ Is detail important to you? Do you think details should be left to your assistant?


20⟩ Face to Face Senior Benefits Analyst interview questions

☛ Does a leader need power or authority? How do you influence people?

☛ How many Senior Benefits Analyst projects do you work on at once?

☛ What kinds of things really get your excited?

☛ Describe how you have balanced your academic work with your extracurricular activities.

☛ What do you see yourself doing within the first days as Senior Benefits Analyst?

☛ Specific example of a time when criticised your work.

☛ Describe a team experience you found rewarding.