Benefits Analyst

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“Benefits Analyst related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Benefits Analyst. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

53 Benefits Analyst Questions And Answers

41⟩ Tell me what do you see your day to day being in this role?

This is a must to ask. By asking the candidate to tell you what they see as their day to day responsibilities, you will get a great idea of how well they will fit to the role. If they think they will be running the marketing department as an entry level analyst and refuse to accept why they wouldn’t be given the chance, you can assume they are a bit out of touch and may be a problem to manage later on. If you let them know politely though that they are a bit off and they take it in stride and with unflagging enthusiasm for the opportunity, there is a good chance you’ve found a winner.


42⟩ Tell us how have you handled difficult stakeholders?

Answer this one head on. The hiring manager is trying to assess your soft skills, particularly your communication and collaboration abilities. Working with people from different areas of the company and perspectives is an area where nontechnical skills are key.


43⟩ Tell me what are the skills that a business analyst must possess?

A business analyst must possess fundamental skills such as elicitation skills, problem solving skills, communication and management skills. Alongside, he must have knowledge of IT skills, Software development understanding and domain knowledge regarding the domain he is working in.


44⟩ Tell me what made you decide to apply to this job?

This one seems obvious but it’s important to ask. You’d be surprised how many candidates can’t really answer this question, or answer it in a way that underwhelms such as “I need a job and this was hiring.” Candor is a plus, and in situations like this is a huge benefit. It gets bad candidates in and out the door faster.


45⟩ Tell me what is your requirement elicitation strategy?

The elicitation strategy depends upon the type of the project.

One can take advantage of direct collaboration with client and have facilitated workshops, interviews and observe the end users. In conjunction, we can use techniques that provide us with more precise information like prototype and scenario building.


48⟩ Explain me what do you know about SDD?

Your lingo acumen is being tested when you get one of these types of questions. Explain that the system design document (SDD) is a middle step separating business users and developers.


52⟩ Tell me how do you like to be managed?

Asking this question helps hiring managers understand the level of responsibility that candidates are comfortable with, and will ultimately allow them to determine if their management style matches candidate expectations.