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“Estimator related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Estimator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

77 Estimator Questions And Answers

61⟩ Do you know what is triple constraint triangle in project management?

Project cost, schedule and scope are depicted as a project management triangle. The triangle is formed by customer as the center point and the three aspects form the sides of triangle. In order to gain customer satisfaction, the project management team should deliver scope in propose schedule and cost. In case any leg is gets disturbed, the other two legs gets affected. For example, if the customer increases the scope, then the other two legs-schedule and cost- get affected a lot.


63⟩ Tell me a difficult situation you have overcome in the workplace?

Conflict resolution, problem solving, communication and coping under pressure are transferable skills desired by many employers.

Answering this question right can help you demonstrate all of these traits.

☛ Use real-life examples from your previous roles that you are comfortable explaining

☛ Choose an example that demonstrates the role you played in resolving the situation clearly

☛ Remain professional at all times – you need to demonstrate that you can keep a cool head and know how to communicate with people


64⟩ What is management reserve?

This is a planned amount of money (or time) set aside to address unforeseen risks in a project. The management reserve is not within the usual budget of the project manager and the project manager would need the permission of the senior management, and sometimes the sponsor, to access it.


65⟩ What is To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)?

This is a measure of the cost performance required to be achieved with the remaining resources in order to meet a specified management goal, expressed as the ratio of the cost to finish the outstanding work to the remaining budget.


67⟩ What kind of salary do you need as Estimator?

This is a loaded question and a nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, that’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range.


68⟩ Tell me what experience do you have for sales estimator?

I have been working with computers since 2001. I also have a degree in network support/computer repair. I have built my last 3 computers, have work with Dell as an employee. So I have around 15 years experience working with computers.


69⟩ Describe to me the position estimator you’re applying for?

This is a “homework” question, too, but it also gives some clues as to the perspective the person brings to the table. The best preparation you can do is to read the job description and repeat it to yourself in your own words so that you can do this smoothly at the interview.


73⟩ What is performance review?

This is the use of variance analysis, trend analysis and earned value analysis to determine the cost and schedule performance over time and the estimated funds required to complete work in progress.


74⟩ Tell me why do you want to work as Project estimator for this organisation?

Being unfamiliar with the organisation will spoil your chances with 75% of interviewers, according to one survey, so take this chance to show you have done your preparation and know the company inside and out. You will now have the chance to demonstrate that you’ve done your research, so reply mentioning all the positive things you have found out about the organisation and its sector etc. This means you’ll have an enjoyable work environment and stability of employment etc – everything that brings out the best in you.


76⟩ Explain what is forecasting?

This is done by making estimates about the future performance of a project based on the current performance of the project.


77⟩ What is your greatest strength as Estimator?

This is your time to shine. Just remember the interviewer is looking for work related strengths. Mention a number of them such as being a good motivator, problem solver, performing well under pressure, being loyal, having a positive attitude, eager to learn, taking initiative, and attention to detail. Whichever you go for, be prepared to give examples that illustrate this particular skill.