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“Consultant based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Consultant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

86 Consultant Questions And Answers

83⟩ Tell me how have you worked in a team effectively?

Sometimes this question might be phrased as "What does team work mean to you?" You could answer it along the following lines: "I work well in a team: I'm a good listener and can take account of different perspectives and empathise with others. I'm a good communicator and hope I'm a positive role model. I encourage colleagues to engage in the clinical process. I respect the contributions and expertise of others."


85⟩ Please tell me why are you leaving your current position?

This is a very critical question. Don't bad mouth your previous employer or co-workers or sound too opportunistic. It's fine to mention major problems, a buy-out or a shutdown. You may want to state that after long personal consideration, your chance to make a contribution is very low due to extensive company-wide changes.


86⟩ What's the difference between debt and equity finance?

Debt and equity finance are the two main ways by which a business can raise money.

Equity finance means raising money by selling shares - that is, stakes in the company - either privately to investors or on the stock markets. Debt finance means raising money through taking out loans or by issuing bonds - pieces of tradeable debt - on the markets.