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“NHA Patrolling Frequently Asked Questions in various Highway Patrolling job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

50 Highway Patrolling Questions And Answers

5⟩ What is your greatest strength/ greatest weakness?

You have many strengths, but pick the one they need help with the most. Is it your expertise in a particular skill? Is it your ability to turn low-performing teams into high performers? Share something that makes them think they need to hire you…right now.

I hate the "greatest weakness" question. Everyone knows it's a trap, and everyone knows the candidate is going to say something trite (popular example: "I'm a perfectionist"). When you give a real answer, you are being genuine. You are admitting you have some growth opportunities and are not perfect. But you can include that you already have a plan to overcome this weakness through training or practice.

Some people even insert a little humor in their answer-"I wish I was better at tennis." You can, too, if you feel like the interviewer has a sense of humor. But, be sure to quickly follow with a serious answer. Showing you have a lighter side is usually a good thing.


8⟩ What makes you the best person for this job?

This is the 'why do you want to be a police officer' question-and your chance to make your case for you, the best candidate they'll meet.

Your preparation for this question should begin by identifying when you decided police work was your dream, and what created that desire. Your opening sentence should define that dream, when it happened and why.

"I always wanted to be a police officer, my dad and his dad were officers and I've always wanted to follow in their footsteps."

No matter what your reasons, make them rock solid in your mind and heart, so when you begin your answer your passion for the choice is clear.

From there show the interviewer what you've done to prepare yourself for becoming an officer. This can be done by noting specific job-related events-schooling, security jobs, volunteer work with a police department-or by noting elements of certain jobs that relate to police work and how your interest in these elements reaffirmed your decision to pursue a career in law enforcement. This last part can take some thought, but is worth it. You want to convince the interviewer that a career as a police officer is a goal you are committed to at every level of your beliefs.


9⟩ So, Tell us about yourself?

This isn't a question at all-this is your second 'first impression'.

If you did well with the initial meet at the opening of the interview, this is your chance to nail that great start firmly into place. And if you haven't prepared a rock-solid answer, you'll be in for a long, uphill battle for the rest of the interview.

To set things straight, the interviewer does not want to know your favorite color, music or food groups. The interviewer wants to know about the "you" that wants to be on their police department. The professional you.

Your answer must showcase the attributes you possess that relate to police work: your education and intelligence, your confident enthusiasm and dedication to goals, your perseverance and reliability.

Keep your answer brief (90-120 seconds), well-defined (make your point and move on) and easy to follow (say it so they hear it, and remember it).


10⟩ When can you start?

Be careful about this question for a few reasons. First of all, it doesn't mean you "got the job." They may be just checking to add that to their notes. You must keep your guard up until you are in your car and driving away from the interview.

If you are currently employed, you should be honest about the start date and show professionalism. You should tell them you would have to discuss a transition with your current company and see if they require a two-week notice. If you currently have a critical role, your potential new employer would expect a transition period.

If you can start right away (and they know you are not currently employed), you certainly can say you're able to start tomorrow. Sense of urgency and excitement about starting work at the new company is always a good thing.


11⟩ What has been your biggest professional disappointment/achievement so far?

If asked about disappointments, mention something that was beyond your control. Stay positive by showing how you accepted the situation and have no lingering negative feelings. If asked about your greatest achievement, choose an example that was important to you as well as the company. Specify what you did, how you did it and what the results were. Ideally, pick an example that can relate to the job positions you are applying for.


12⟩ Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

This question seems simple, so many people fail to prepare for it, but it's crucial. Here's the deal: Don't give your complete employment (or personal) history. Instead give a pitch-one that's concise and compelling and that shows exactly why you're the right fit for the job. Start off with the 2-3 specific accomplishments or experiences that you most want the interviewer to know about, then wrap up talking about how that prior experience has positioned you for this specific role.


13⟩ Discretion is available to police officers to ticket traffic offenders, or to issue a warning only. Give me some examples where a warning would be appropriate, and explain why?

A person suffering a health problem that makes it difficult for them to maintain control of their vehicle, or to lose control of their vehicle. The person is reacting to the immediate pain or confusion resulting from the health problem and is unable to respond appropriately to traffic rules, signals or signs.

A person from another state fails to observe a no left turn sign, due to being unfamiliar with the area, or even turns onto a one-way street against traffic (but there is none to show the obvious fact of traveling in the wrong direction). The person may be lost, traveling under stress/tired or trying to follow directions instead of watching signs closely enough.

A person is speeding within department policy tolerance, has no prior violations and admits being distracted by something that has just occurred-like finding a water leak upon coming home for lunch, or receiving tragic news, etc. The person is operating below their usual at that time, for a specific reason.

In lieu of issuing a summons, a verbal warning is more likely to gain future voluntary compliance of the law.

The guiding factor is common sense and the option to forgive the offense under the circumstances. Your answer can show that you are aware of special circumstances, of the need for humanity in decision-making and of opportunities for community service with compassion.


14⟩ 15 Very Good Questions To Ask A Cop

☛ 1. How long have you been a police officer for?

☛ 2. How long have you wanted to become one?

☛ 3. Do you like the job?

☛ 4. What made you want to become one?

☛ 5. Do you have family members in the law enforcement field?

☛ 6. What was the worst call you ever had to respond to?

☛ 7. What was the most tickets you gave to one person at one time?

☛ 8. What did you think of the police academy?

☛ 9. Would you to be moved to be an undercover or a narcotics officer one day?

☛ 10. If you weren't a police officer what would you be?

☛ 11. How many times have you had to show up in traffic court because someone fought a ticket you gave them?

☛ 12. How many days a week do you work? How many hours?

☛ 13. Have you ever worked with your town's K-9?

☛ 14. Ever been in a police chopper?

☛ 15. Did you ever need to call the SWAT team?


15⟩ 15 Common Interview Questions To Ask A Cop

☛ 1. Are you into S & M?

☛ 2. You wanna meet me somewhere?

☛ 3. Can u cuff someone with one hand?

☛ 4. Do you enjoy frisking female arrestees?

☛ 5. Does it turn you on?

☛ 6. How often does your job sexually excite you?

☛ 7. What would you do if someone you arrested came on to you, and there was just you and her in a remote area?

☛ 8. Are you married?

☛ 9. Does your wife know what you're really like?

☛ 10. If someone you're arresting really pisses you off, are you above being extra violent with them?

☛ 11. Would you take me on a ride along?

☛ 12. What would you do if I was behind you in a line up at a doughnut shop and I tried to take your gun out of the holster?

☛ 13. What would you do if I were behind you in a lineup at a McDonald's and I elbowed you sharply in the back but made it look like an accident?

☛ 14. Did you become a cop because you want to help people or because you like being in an authoritive, powerful position?

☛ 15. Did you answer my questions honeslty?


16⟩ Resisting arrest, a wanted traffic offender lunges at the arresting officer with a knife. Is the use of deadly force warranted?

Yes, the suspect is using deadly force against the officer.

Common sense dictates that the threat to an officers' life takes precedence over the original offense that initiated police response. Police common sense will further dictate that the threat of deadly force by an officer will be enough to gain control over a situation and secure officer safety.

All 'What If' questions are designed not to test you on proper police procedure, since a candidate cannot possibly possess such knowledge. Instead, they are designed to show the interviewer your ability to place events in common sense perspective in order to act with reason and to not allow panic or emotion to pull your decision trigger.

Use your ride along experience to good advantage here. Remember how the officer reacted to various situations and what precautions were taken to insure the safety of all concerned.

Take a moment to consider the question, be sure you understand all the elements involved and be certain of what the interviewer is asking of you. Listen carefully. Do not assume you know what will be asked and tune out before the question is completed.


18⟩ New 15 Common Questions To Ask A Cop

☛ 1. What made you decide to be a cop?

☛ 2. Do you find your work interesting?

☛ 3. How long have you been a cop?

☛ 4. How long have you been working in this town?

☛ 5. What has been the most satisfying arrest you have made so far?

☛ 6. Are their any calls to duty that you dread getting?

☛ 7. What kind of hours do you generally work?

☛ 8. Is anyone else in your family a cop?

☛ 9. Have you ever been seriously hurt on the job?

☛ 10. Have you ever worked with a K-9 dog?

☛ 11. Does your family worry about you when you're on the job?

☛ 12. If yes to #11, who do you think worries the most?

☛ 13. What do you think about the criminals having more powerful guns than you do?

☛ 14. What would be your choice of weapon to carry while on duty?

☛ 15. Do you feel cops are on duty 24/7?


19⟩ What can you tell us about this position?

This is where your research of the position and the department will make the difference. The answer seems obvious, rattle off the stated qualifications of the posted position. But if you do that, you'll miss a huge opportunity to impress the interviewer with your determination to know the entire picture.

Present your research trail on discovering information on the position and the department. Stress that you wanted to know about the community this position would serve, so you extended your search to include the city website, a visit to city hall, etc. If you're already a resident of the area, use that fact to show that your personal history is tied to the community and serving it as an officer would be your honor.


20⟩ There is a need for an officer to respond as an emergency vehicle, lights and siren, and exceeding the speed limit. What type of situation would warrant this emergency response?

Officer needs assistance radio call

Armed robbery in progress/pursuit


Multiple vehicle accident with fatalities, or serious injuries

Attempting to stop a speeder or drunk driver

Emergency response means a life-threatening situation-and common sense dictates that this means lights, siren and exceeding speed limits.