41⟩ What do you think about the criminals having more powerful guns than you do?
One word. SCARY !
“NHA Patrolling Frequently Asked Questions in various Highway Patrolling job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”
One word. SCARY !
This is something you need to have very clear in your mind prior to the meeting. There is no point in saying yes just to get the job if the real answer is actually no. Just be honest as this can save you problems arising in the future.
Possibly one of the silliest questions - but it requires an artful and diplomatic answer.
This is usually the toughest question for any candidate to do well on. Handle this one poorly and the interviewers will fill in negative blanks you never knew existed.
First of all, this isn't about whether you bite your nails or 'must have' one of the hundreds of food treats that are bad for you. This isn't about weakness either. To handle this question strongly, treat it as you would your assets. What trait or attribute do you possess that you feel hasn't realized full positive potential? What behaviors of yours might, or have in the past, clashed with smooth performance?
These will be simple things. Don't look for complex 'problems'. Look for personality quirks that are translated into actions that might affect you in police work.
An example could be that you tend to be impatient. This could mean that sometimes you rush things, don't give situations and people time to fully develop, or cause you to make judgments quickly that later require adjustments when added information is available.
Again, another nasty question. If you say yes, you're a corporate whore who doesn't care about family. If you say no, you're disloyal to the company. I'm afraid that you'll probably have to say yes to this one though, because you're trying to be the perfect employee at this point, and perfect employees don't cut out early for Jimmy's baseball game.
Answer this question with a response that highlights why you would be a good candidate for the job and how enthusiastic you are about it.
Ensure that you show an interest in the job sector, understand the company and their ethos and show how your skills match their requirements.
Unless you have the I.Q. of a houseplant, you'll always answer YES to this one. It's the only answer. How can anyone function inside an organization if they are a loner? You may want to mention what part you like to play in a team though; it's a great chance to explain that you're a natural leader.
I'll finish the way I started, with one of the most common questions asked in interviews. This directly relates to the research you've done on the company and also gives you a chance to show how eager and prepared you are. You'll probably want to ask about benefits if they haven't been covered already. A good generic one is "how soon could I start, if I were offered the job of course." You may also ask what you'd be working on. Specifically, in the role you're applying for and how that affects the rest of the company. Always have questions ready, greeting this one with a blank stare is a rotten way to finish your interview. Good luck and happy job hunting.
I'm on the S.W.A.T. team as a hostage negotiator. We don't get called out very often, but we must be ready at a moments notice.
There is no right or wrong answer here. The logic behind this type of question is that your past behavior is likely to predict what you will do in the future. What the interviewer is looking for is to understand what you find difficult.