GIS Date

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“GIS Date Input and Editing Interview Questions and Answers will guide now that GIS data represents real world objects (roads, land use, elevation) with digital data. Real world objects can be divided into two abstractions: discrete objects (a house) and continuous fields (rain fall amount or elevation). So learn more about GIS Data with the help of this GIS Date Input and Editing Interview Questions with Answers guide”

28 GIS Date Questions And Answers

2⟩ Which of the following can be a problem in manual digitizing?

1. Dimensional stability of source documents

2. Hand-eye coordination

3. Availability of suitable hardware and software

4. Boredom

5. Inaccuracies in document registration

Inaccuracies in document registration

Dimensional stability of source documents


Hand-eye coordination


3⟩ Practical problems faced when scanning map documents include

1. Selection of appropriate tolerances

2. Lack of suitable raster to vector conversion software

3. Possibility of optical distortion

4. Inclusion of unwanted information

Inclusion of unwanted information

Selection of appropriate tolerances

Possibility of optical distortion


5⟩ What are the three main types of data error?

1. Errors created by faulty processing.

2. Errors created by human error.

3. Errors from obvious sources (e.g. incomplete maps)

4. Errors created during data input (e.g. digitizing).

5. Errors created by map projection.

Errors from obvious sources (e.g. incomplete maps)

Errors created during data input (e.g. digitizing).

Errors created by faulty processing.


7⟩ What is Joining Data Files in GIS?

Once a GIS layer is created, its attribute file can be linked (joined) to external data files. Joining is one of the most frequently performed data file processes because it brings together feature attributes that are contained in multiple digital data files. To perform a join, a unique matching field, the key identifier, must be observed in both data files.


9⟩ What is Comma delimited in GIS Date?

Comma delimited, also known as comma-quote delimited and CSV, separate fields by commas. Character fields may be enclosed in double quotes, and need to be if they contain an embedded comma. Two commas in a row signify that the field is blank. Usually whitespace is not allowed before or after fields (although this may be tolerated in the CSV form).


11⟩ How Sorting records in GIS Date?

Sorting temporarily rearranges your data file records, so you can view, select, update, or print them in the new sorted sequence. Although the specifics vary by program, you generally choose the field (or fields) you want to sort by. The first sort field arranges, usually in ascending or descending order, the records based on the field's contents. For example, a class roster might be sorted alphabetically by last name. Some systems allow you to choose a second sort field (or more), which arranges records (in ascending or descending order) when two or more records have the same first field value. If your alphabetical list has four students with the last name Maria then those four records could be rearranged in alphabetical order based on their first name.


13⟩ What is Spacequote delimited ASCII?

Spacequote delimited ASCII is a variant of whitespace delimitation, but the attributes containing multiple words are enclosed in double quotes, and consequently, they can contain embedded spaces between words.