⟩ What is Spacequote delimited ASCII?
Spacequote delimited ASCII is a variant of whitespace delimitation, but the attributes containing multiple words are enclosed in double quotes, and consequently, they can contain embedded spaces between words.
Spacequote delimited ASCII is a variant of whitespace delimitation, but the attributes containing multiple words are enclosed in double quotes, and consequently, they can contain embedded spaces between words.
A sliver polygon may be the result of the same line on a map being digitized twice.
RINEX is the abbreviation for Remote Information Exchange format.
DXF and NTF are examples of vector transfer formats.
A cheap flatbed scanner could have an accuracy of 50 - 200 dpi.
An experienced user should be able to digitize data with accuracy equal to the width of the line they are digitizing.
In point, mode-digitizing points are added automatically at set time or distance intervals as the user moves the cursor across the map.
Keyboard entry is no longer used in GIS projects.
The Douglas-Peucker algorithm is
When digitizing manually using a digitizing table, registration of the map on the digitizer table must take place before digitizing can begin.
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