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“Data Architect Frequently Asked Questions in various Data Architect job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

41 Data Architect Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me what is a fact & a fact table?

Facts represent quantitative data. For example – net amount due is a fact. A fact table contains numerical data and foreign keys from related dimensional tables.


2⟩ What are conformed dimensions?

A Dimension that is utilized as a part of different areas is called as conformed dimension. It might be utilized with different fact tables in a single database or over numerous data marts/warehouses. For example, if subscriber dimension is connected to two fact tables – billing and claim then the subscriber dimension would be treated as conformed dimension.


3⟩ Tell me do you know why Data Warehouse is used?

For a long time in the past and also even today, Data warehouses are built to facilitate reporting on different key business processes of an organization, known as KPI. Today we often call this whole process of reporting data from data warehouses as "Data Analytics". Data warehouses also help to integrate data from different sources and show a single-point-of-truth values about the business measures (e.g. enabling Master Data Management).


4⟩ Explain me what do you understand by data mart?

Data marts are for the most part intended for a solitary branch of business. They are designed for the individual departments. For example, I used to work for a health insurance provider company which had different departments in it like Finance, Reporting, Sales and so forth.

We had a data warehouse that was holding the information pertaining to all these departments and then we have few data marts built on top of this data warehouse. These DataMart were specific to each department. In simple words, you can say that a DataMart is a subset of a data warehouse.


5⟩ Explain me what is ER model?

ER model or entity-relationship model is a particular methodology of data modeling wherein the goal of modeling is to normalize the data by reducing redundancy. This is different than dimensional modeling where the main goal is to improve the data retrieval mechanism.


7⟩ Explain me what is a 'Conformed Dimension'?

A conformed dimension is the dimension that is shared across multiple subject area. Consider 'Customer' dimension. Both marketing and sales department may use the same customer dimension table in their reports. Similarly, a 'Time' or 'Date' dimension will be shared by different subject areas. These dimensions are conformed dimension.

Theoretically, two dimensions which are either identical or strict mathematical subsets of one another are said to be conformed.


8⟩ Tell me the physical data model?

The physical data model will be showing primary keys, foreign keys, table names, column names and column data types. This view actually elaborates how the model will be actually implemented in the database.


9⟩ Do you know what do you understand by Data Modelling?

Data Modelling is the diagrammatic representation showing how the entities are related to each other. It is the initial step towards database design. We first create the conceptual model, then logical model and finally move to the physical model.

Generally, the data models are created in data analysis & design phase of software development life cycle.


10⟩ Tell us what is a mini dimension?

Mini dimensions can be used to handle rapidly changing dimension scenario. If a dimension has a huge number of rapidly changing attributes it is better to separate those attributes in different table called mini dimension. This is done because if the main dimension table is designed as SCD type 2, the table will soon outgrow in size and create performance issues. It is better to segregate the rapidly changing members in different table thereby keeping the main dimension table small and performing.


11⟩ Tell me what is Star-schema?

This schema is used in data warehouse models where one centralized fact table references number of dimension tables so as the keys (primary key) from all the dimension tables flow into the fact table (as foreign key) where measures are stored. This entity-relationship diagram looks like a star, hence the name.


12⟩ Tell us what are the different types of measures?

We have three types of measures

☛ Non- additive measures

☛ Semi-additive measures

☛ Additive measures

Non-additive measures are the ones on top of which no aggregation function can be applied. For example, a ratio or a percentage column; a flag or an indicator column present in fact table holding values like Y/N, etc. is a non-additive measure.


13⟩ Please explain what are the different types of dimensions you have come across? Explain each of them in detail with an example?

There are typically five types of dimensions.

1) Conformed dimensions: A Dimension that is utilized as a part of different areas is called as conformed dimension. It might be utilized with different fact tables in a single database or over numerous data marts/warehouses. For example, if subscriber dimension is connected to two fact tables – billing and claim then the subscriber dimension would be treated as conformed dimension.

2) Junk Dimension: It is a dimension table comprising of attributes that don’t have a place in the fact table or in any of the current dimension tables. Generally, these are the properties like flags or indicators. For example, it can be member eligibility flag set as ‘Y’ or ‘N’ or any other indicator set as true/false, any specific comments, etc. if we keep all such indicator attributes in the fact table then its size gets increased. So, we combine all such attributes and put in a single dimension table called as junk dimension having unique junk IDs with a possible combination of all the indicator values.

3) Role Playing Dimension: These are the dimensions which are utilized for multiple purposes in the same database. For example, a date dimension can be used for “Date of Claim”, “Billing date” or “Plan Term date”. So, such a dimension will be called as Role playing dimension. The primary key of Date dimension will be associated with multiple foreign keys in the fact table.

4) Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD): These are most important amongst all the dimensions. These are the dimensions where attribute values vary with time. Below are the varies types of SCDs


14⟩ Tell me what is junk Dimension?

It is a dimension table comprising of attributes that don’t have a place in the fact table or in any of the current dimension tables. Generally, these are the properties like flags or indicators. For example, it can be member eligibility flag set as ‘Y’ or ‘N’ or any other indicator set as true/false, any specific comments, etc. if we keep all such indicator attributes in the fact table then its size gets increased. So, we combine all such attributes and put in a single dimension table called as junk dimension having unique junk IDs with a possible combination of all the indicator values.


15⟩ Can you throw some light on your experience in Data Modelling with respect to projects you have worked on till date?

This was the very first question in one of my Data Modelling interviews. So, before you step into the interview discussion, you should have a very clear picture of how data modeling fits into the assignments you have worked upon.

I have worked on a project for a health insurance provider company where we have interfaces build in Informatica that transforms and process the data fetched from Facets database and sends out useful information to vendors.


17⟩ Do you know what is junk dimension?

A junk dimension is a grouping of typically low-cardinality attributes (flags, indicators etc.) so that those can be removed from other tables and can be junked into an abstract dimension table.

These junk dimension attributes might not be related. The only purpose of this table is to store all the combinations of the dimensional attributes which you could not fit into the different dimension tables otherwise. Junk dimensions are often used to implement Rapidly Changing Dimensions in data warehouse.


18⟩ Tell me what is Fact?

A fact is something that is quantifiable (Or measurable). Facts are typically (but not always) numerical values that can be aggregated.


19⟩ Tell me what is data warehouse?

A data warehouse is a electronic storage of an Organization's historical data for the purpose of Data Analytics, such as reporting, analysis and other knowledge discovery activities.

Other than Data Analytics, a data warehouse can also be used for the purpose of data integration, master data management etc.


20⟩ Explain me what is your understanding of different data models?

There are three types of data models – conceptual, logical and physical. The level of complexity and detail increases from conceptual to logical to a physical data model.

The conceptual model shows a very basic high level of design while the physical data model shows a very detailed view of design.

The conceptual model will be just portraying entity names and entity relationships. Figure 1 shown in the later part of this article depicts a conceptual model.

The logical model will be showing up entity names, entity relationships, attributes, primary keys and foreign keys in each entity. Figure 2 shown inside question#4 in this article depicts a logical model.

The physical data model will be showing primary keys, foreign keys, table names, column names and column data types. This view actually elaborates how the model will be actually implemented in the database.