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⟩ Please explain what are the different types of dimensions you have come across? Explain each of them in detail with an example?

There are typically five types of dimensions.

1) Conformed dimensions: A Dimension that is utilized as a part of different areas is called as conformed dimension. It might be utilized with different fact tables in a single database or over numerous data marts/warehouses. For example, if subscriber dimension is connected to two fact tables – billing and claim then the subscriber dimension would be treated as conformed dimension.

2) Junk Dimension: It is a dimension table comprising of attributes that don’t have a place in the fact table or in any of the current dimension tables. Generally, these are the properties like flags or indicators. For example, it can be member eligibility flag set as ‘Y’ or ‘N’ or any other indicator set as true/false, any specific comments, etc. if we keep all such indicator attributes in the fact table then its size gets increased. So, we combine all such attributes and put in a single dimension table called as junk dimension having unique junk IDs with a possible combination of all the indicator values.

3) Role Playing Dimension: These are the dimensions which are utilized for multiple purposes in the same database. For example, a date dimension can be used for “Date of Claim”, “Billing date” or “Plan Term date”. So, such a dimension will be called as Role playing dimension. The primary key of Date dimension will be associated with multiple foreign keys in the fact table.

4) Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD): These are most important amongst all the dimensions. These are the dimensions where attribute values vary with time. Below are the varies types of SCDs


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