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“Actuate frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Actuate. So get preparation for the Actuate job interview”

19 Actuate Questions And Answers

2⟩ What is report bursting?

Report bursting is the process of creating a single report

object executable

(.rox) file that generates multiple report object instance

(.roi) files.Actuate iServer supports report bursting only

if the report runs as a scheduled

background job, or asynchronously. If you run a burst

report synchronously,

Actuate iServer displays an error message because it cannot

determine which report to display.


3⟩ What is page level security?

It is a security to a report page at the User level.In PLS,

user can able to see only those pages to which he has given

a privelege to access.


5⟩ What is the difference between -using Group by in the SQL of the report-having a Group section in the report?

An Actuate Group Section will group similar records

together by a key field. A query pulling all the records

from a table with 100 records and grouping by State or

Province will still display 100 records on the report. No

data is lost or aggregated.

A SQL Group By will aggregate data being pulled from a

table. Grouping By State or Province will result in

somewhere less than 100 records being delivered to the

report. The results most likely will be 5 records

containing a count and the state name: DL-20; MH-10; BR-5,

WB-25, and MP-40. A Group By processes the data and creates

new information about that original data.


8⟩ How to implement the parallel report?

This is quite simple to implement.

If you have the example which are there in the actuate

install folder you can get help from it.

For developing this what you can do is put a parallel

section first and then drag those 2 reports on it, then

design those report and in the page layout use two flows

and in the report properties assign the flows to the

respective reports.

this way you can design it


10⟩ What is data stream and data adaopter is it same are different? explain?

Data stream and Data adapters are different.

Data stream is a group of components.It contains a data

source component, data row component and one or more data

filter components(optional).It selects data from the data

source and places the data into data row structure required

by the report.

Data adapter can be a data source component or a data filter

component.It retrieves data from an input source(data

base)and creates data row.


12⟩ What is the filter?

there two types of filters

1. single input filter

2. multiple input filter

connecting the report for 2 databases we use multiple input


for example your report need two database for geting data u

have to use multiple input filter.

base class for this filter is

AC single inputfilter

AC multiple input filter

i will give example for in your database u have abc,xyz two

databases you need data from these two databases so u have

use multiple filter. normally single input filter we do not



13⟩ How to call a stored procedure from a report?

place the connection in the connection slot --use "ODBC

connection" option here.

while placing the data source in the data stream

choose "Stored prodedure data source componant" ,click on OK

Place the data row in the data row slote under data stream .

Now double click on the data stream go to Property-Stored

Procedure Def ,click on the browse button ,

then it will automatically opens the SP in your database ,

just select the stored procedure (SP) which u want


14⟩ I generated one report design time i can color green. at run i want bule how to change dynamically? and which method i can over write?

To Change Color of Frame

override start

me.BackgroundColor = skyBLUE


BackgroundColor = RGB(180, 225, 228)


To Change Color of a specific Control

Override start

dim Control1 as AcTextControl

Set Control1 = me.getControl("MyControl") ''name of control

Control1.BackgroundColor= Blue


BackgroundColor = RGB(180, 225, 228)


15⟩ What is AFC? Where we Use AFC in Actuate?

AFC Actuate foundation class designed to hold an ordered

collection of objects.

All the commonly used components in the AFC library have

been extended in to the sssiebel library.

Sssiebel.rol known as the Siebel library. It is derived

from afc.rol and contains all the base classes for the

sscustom library.

The use of a component from the AFC library, rather than

the sscustom library, is an

exceptional situation and applies only to detail charts.

AFC components should not be used

directly in Siebel reports except in this specific



16⟩ We had a number of reports scheduled to run at various times. This worked fine for at least a year, now it is the second time round we lost all the scheduled jobs, with no apparent reason we can find. Any ideas?

You have lost all Scheduled jobs list because you had

cleared all history from completed reports section from

management console,

So pls remember before deleting history from completed

section remove the check mark of SCHEDULES and then clear


Since you can't recover scheduled jobs So next time

whenever you Schedule the job copy the location and job

name and save it to Excel or text file.


18⟩ How do we have left -right flow , normally its top-down flow?

It is for right to left. Reverse logic has to implement for

left to right


First Define one gobal variable(g_rw_wdth) as double,

Static, publice.

And now assume that in a frame you have got two dynamic


Now in 1st text box onRow method write following code:

g_rw_wdth = 0

IF ISNULL(row.getvalue("field1")) then

g_rw_wdth = g_rw_wdth + (me.size.width/1440)

end if

Now in 2ndtext box onRow method write following code:

IF ISNULL(row.getvalue("field2")) then

g_rw_wdth = g_rw_wdth + (me.size.width/1440)


Me.Position.X = Me.Position.X - (g_rw_wdth * OneInch)

end if

In these fashion you can have more dynamic text.

Now if 1st text box the value is null automatically the 2nd

text box will shift to place 1st text box.

And so on.


19⟩ Explain Difference between onRow and Onread method?

OnRead( ) – can manufacture data based on values in the fetched datarow

OnRow( ) – extracts requested data from the datarow object; normally just used to obtain a value for the ValExp but may access all values in a datarow