Informatica Data Warehousing

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“Informatica Data Warehousing Frequently Asked Questions in various Informatica Data Warehousing Interviews asked by the interviewer. So learn Informatica Data Warehousing with the help of this Informatica Data Warehousing Interview questions and answers guide and feel free to comment as your suggestions, questions and answers on any Informatica Data Warehousing Interview Question or answer by the comment feature available on the page.”

128 Informatica Data Warehousing Questions And Answers

61⟩ What is Load Manager?

I am providing the answer which I have taken it from Informatica 7.1.1 manual,

Ans: While running a Workflow,the PowerCenter Server uses the Load Manager process and the Data Transformation Manager Process (DTM) to run the workflow and carry out workflow tasks.When the PowerCenter Server runs a workflow, the Load Manager performs the following tasks:

1. Locks the workflow and reads workflow properties.

2. Reads the parameter file and expands workflow variables.

3. Creates the workflow log file.

4. Runs workflow tasks.

5. Distributes sessions to worker servers.

6. Starts the DTM to run sessions.

7. Runs sessions from master servers.

8. Sends post-session email if the DTM terminates abnormally.

When the PowerCenter Server runs a session, the DTM performs the following tasks:

1. Fetches session and mapping metadata from the repository.

2. Creates and expands session variables.

3. Creates the session log file.

4. Validates session code pages if data code page validation is enabled. Checks query

conversions if data code page validation is disabled.

5. Verifies connection object permissions.

6. Runs pre-session shell commands.

7. Runs pre-session stored procedures and SQL.

8. Creates and runs mapping, reader, writer, and transformation threads to extract,transform, and load data.

9. Runs post-session stored procedures and SQL.

10. Runs post-session shell commands.

11. Sends post-session email.


62⟩ What are partition points?

Partition points mark the thread boundaries in a source pipeline and divide

the pipeline into stages.

Partition points mark the thread boundaries in a pipeline and

divide the pipeline into stages. The Informatica Server sets partition points at several

transformations in a pipeline by default. If you use PowerCenter, you can define other partition

points. When you add partition points, you increase the number of transformation threads,

which can improve session performance. The Informatica Server can redistribute rows of data at partition points, which can also improve session performance.


63⟩ Whats the diff between Informatica powercenter server, repositoryserver and repository?

Repository is a database in which all informatica componets are stored in the form of tables. The reposiitory server controls the repository and maintains the data integrity and Consistency across the repository when multiple users use Informatica. Powercenter Server/Infa Server is responsible for execution of the components (sessions) stored in the repository.


64⟩ What is the difference between constraind base load ordering and target load plan?

Constraint based load ordering


Table 1---Master

Tabke 2---Detail

If the data in table1 is dependent on the data in table2 then table2 should be loaded first.In such cases to control the load order of the tables we need some conditional loading which is nothing but constraint based load

In Informatica this feature is implemented by just one check box at the session level.

A CBl specifies the order in which data loads into the targets based on key constraints

A target load plan defines the order in which data being extracted from the source qualifier


67⟩ What is EDW?

EDW is Enterprise Datawarehouse which means that its a centralised DW for the whole organization.

this apporach is the apporach on Imon which relies on the point of having a single warehouse/centralised where the kimball apporach says to have seperate data marts for each vertical/department.

Advantages of having a EDW:

1. Golbal view of the Data

2. Same point of source of data for all the users acroos the organization.

3. able to perform consistent analysis on a single Data Warehouse.

to over come is the time it takes to develop and also the management that is required to build a centralised database.


71⟩ What are the reusable transforamtions?

Reusable transformations can be used in multiple mappings.When you need to incorporate this transformation into maping, U add an instance of it to maping.Later if you change the definition of the transformation ,all instances of it inherit the changes.Since the instance of reusable transforamation is a pointer to that transforamtion, You can change the transforamation in the transformation developer,its instances automatically reflect these changes.This feature can save you great deal of work.

A reusable Transformation is a reusable metadata object , defined with business logic using single Transformation.


76⟩ What is Session and Batches?

Session - A Session Is A set of instructions that tells the Informatica Server How And When To Move Data From Sources To Targets. After creating the session, we can use

either the server manager or the command line program pmcmd to start or stop the session.

Batches - It Provides A Way to Group Sessions For Either Serial Or Parallel

Execution By The Informatica Server.

There Are Two Types Of Batches :

Sequential - Run Session One after the Other.

Concurrent - Run Session At The Same Time.


77⟩ Explain What is the limit to the number of sources and targets you can have in a mapping?

As per my knowledge there is no such restriction to use this number of sources or targets inside a mapping.

Question is " if you make N number of tables to participate at a time in processing what is the position of your database. I organization point of view it is never encouraged to use N number of tables at a time, It reduces database and informatica server performance


78⟩ Explain What are the tasks that Loadmanger process will do?

Manages the session and batch scheduling: Whe you start the informatica server the load maneger launches and queries the repository for a list of sessions configured to run

on the informatica server.When you configure the session the loadmanager maintains list of list of sessions and session start times.When you sart a session loadmanger fetches the session information from the repository to perform the validations and verifications prior to starting DTM process.

Locking and reading the session: When the informatica server starts a session lodamaager locks the session from the repository.Locking prevents you starting the session again and again.

Reading the parameter file: If the session uses a parameter files,loadmanager reads the parameter file and verifies that the session level parematers are declared in the file

Verifies permission and privelleges: When the sesson starts load manger checks whether or not the user have privelleges to run the session.

Creating log files: Loadmanger creates logfile contains the status of session.


80⟩ How to do unit testing in informatica? How to load data in informatica ?

Unit testing are of two types

1. Quantitaive testing

2.Qualitative testing


1.First validate the mapping

2.Create session on themapping and then run workflow.

Once the session is succeeded the right click on session and go for statistics tab.

There you can see how many number of source rows are applied and how many number of rows loaded in to targets and how many number of rows rejected.This is called Quantitative testing.

If once rows are successfully loaded then we will go for qualitative testing.


1.Take the DATM(DATM means where all business rules are mentioned to the corresponding source columns) and check whether the data is loaded according to the DATM in to target table.If any data is not loaded according to the DATM then go and check in the code and rectify it.

This is called Qualitative testing.

This is what a devloper will do in Unit Testing.