Warehouse Manager

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“Data Warehouse Manager Frequently Asked Questions in various Warehouse Manager job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

113 Warehouse Manager Questions And Answers

21⟩ What is semi Additive Measures?

Semi-additive measures are those where only a subset of aggregation function can be applied. Let’s say account balance. A sum() function on balance does not give a useful result but max() or min() balance might be useful. Consider price rate or currency rate. Sum is meaningless on rate; however, average function might be useful.


22⟩ Tell me what is data mart?

Data marts are generally designed for a single subject area. An organization may have data pertaining to different departments like Finance, HR, Marketing etc. stored in data warehouse and each department may have separate data marts. These data marts can be built on top of the data warehouse.


23⟩ Explain what are the steps to build the datawarehouse?

Following are the steps to be followed to build the datawaerhouse:

☛ Gathering business requirements

☛ Identifying the necessary sources

☛ Identifying the facts

☛ Defining the dimensions

☛ Defining the attributes

☛ Redefine the dimensions and attributes if required

☛ Organize the Attribute hierarchy

☛ Define Relationships

☛ Assign unique Identifiers


24⟩ Please explain what is Datamart?

A Datamart is a specialized version of Datawarehousing and it contains a snapshot of operational data that helps the business people to decide with the analysis of past trends and experiences. A data mart helps to emphasizes on easy access to relevant information.


30⟩ Tell me what is Active Datawarehousing?

An active datawarehouse is a datawarehouse that enables decision makers within a company or organization to manage customer relationships effectively and efficiently.


32⟩ What is additive Measures?

Additive measures can be used with any aggregation function like Sum(), Avg() etc. Example is Sales Quantity etc.


33⟩ Do you know why Data Warehouse is used?

For a long time in the past and also even today, Data warehouses are built to facilitate reporting on different key business processes of an organization, known as KPI. Today we often call this whole process of reporting data from data warehouses as "Data Analytics". Data warehouses also help to integrate data from different sources and show a single-point-of-truth values about the business measures (e.g. enabling Master Data Management).


39⟩ Explain me what is the difference between agglomerative and divisive Hierarchical Clustering?

Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering method allows the clusters to be read from bottom to top and it follows this approach so that the program always reads from the sub-component first then moves to the parent whereas, divisive uses top-bottom approach in which the parent is visited first then the child.

Agglomerative hierarchical method consists of objects in which each object creates its own clusters and these clusters are grouped together to create a large cluster. It defines a process of merging that carries on till all the single clusters are merged together into a complete big cluster that will consists of all the objects of child clusters whereas, in divisive the parent cluster is divided into smaller cluster and it keeps on dividing till each cluster has a single object to represent.


40⟩ Tell me what are the different ways to represent the loading of Dimension tables?

The loading of the dimension table can be represented in two different ways:

Conventional (Slow): In this way, the constraints and keys goes for validations that are done against the data. These validations are performed before the loading of the data takes place in the data warehousing. This ensures the data integrity that is maintained throughout the loading phase. As the name suggests it is slower method that has to be implemented. This way deals in too much complexity in creating the database.

Direct (Fast): In this, all the constraints and the keys that are used with the data are disabled. The validations are performed after the data is loaded in data warehousing. These validations include everything that are applied on constraints and keys. Data are checked for invalid bit or dirty bit, if anything like this is found then the data is not included in the index and all the processes that require the data are skipped.