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“EDI/Data Integration Expert based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as EDI/Data Integration Expert. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

27 EDI/Data Integration Expert Questions And Answers

21⟩ What is AWB?

AWB stands for Administrator Workbench. It is a tool for monitoring, controlling and maintaining all the processes connected with data staging and processing in the business information warehousing.


22⟩ What is Meta data, Master data and Transaction data?

Meta Data: Meta Data is data about Data. It tells you about the structure of data or MetaObjects.

Master Data: This Data is key business information like Customer information , Employee , Materials etc. This is more like a reference data. For Ex. If a customer orders 10 units of your product instead of asking customer for his shipping address 10 times , the same can be referenced from the Customer Master Data.

Transaction Data: This is data related to day to day transactions.


24⟩ Explain the different types of variables?

Variables are used in different application

☛ Characteristics variable

☛ Hierarchies

☛ Hierarchy nodes

☛ Text

☛ Formulas

☛ Processing Types

☛ Replacement Path

☛ User entry/default type


25⟩ Explain the set-backs of SAP?

☛ It is expensive

☛ Demands highly trained staff

☛ Lengthy implementation time

☛ Interfaces are a little bit complex

☛ Does not determine where master data resides


27⟩ Is SAP A Database?

NO. SAP is not a database but its an application that makes use of databases provided by other vendors like Oracle , SQL Server etc.