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“Microsoft Access Developer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Microsoft Access Developer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

51 Microsoft Access Developer Questions And Answers

22⟩ Do you know what Is The Size Limitation Of An Access Database?

Size limitation does not pertain to number of records in a table within a database. Forms, reports, macros, and modules also contribute to database size, but is rather minimal compared to tables containing records. It is recommended that if large amounts of data will be maintained or constantly deleted and new data imported, put your tables in another database and link the tables back into the main database. The utilities for database compression and repair will nm much more quickly. In Access 2.0 databases the byte size limitation is 1 gigabyte. In general, use the 1gb rule and suggestions here to maintain performance of the database.


25⟩ Tell us why has a relationship shown as 11 when I was expecting 1∞?

This can occur if...: are joining two primary keys. A 1:∞ relationship requires that one key only is a primary key. Check to see that you are joining the correct fields. are joining a primary and a foreign key and the foreign key is specified as 'no duplicates' in the Index property for that field in the table.

(a) If the foreign key can have duplicate values in the table (this is the normal situation) then change the Index property to show this.

(b) If the foreign key really is a unique value in the table then check to see if you need to use a separate primary key for this table; perhaps you can use the primary key from the main table in both tables (as in point 1 above).

You should also check your design carefully. Sometimes a 1:1 relationship is correct (e.g. to save space in the database for information that that doesn't apply to all records, or to put sensitive data in a separate table in order to restrict access). But you need to be able to justify each 1:1 relationship that you have, so that you know that it is correct.


29⟩ Tell us what property of the querydef object can you use to change the SQL syntax?

SQL property. If you declare a qdf variable and assign it to a query, you can change the syntax of the sql statement using qdf.sql = “Select…”. One interesting feature of this property: You don’t have to save the changes, they are immediately saved. Compare that with the DAO recordset object where you must use the Edit method followed by Update in order to save your changes.


31⟩ Suppose I am designing an Access database form. How can I get my next control in the form to be automatically selected?

By default, Access waits until you press Enter before it selects the Next control on your form. However, this is a wasted keystroke you can eliminate by setting each control's Auto Tab property to Yes. This Property also requires that you set an input mask. Once the data you're entering satisfies the input mask, the Auto Tab property Automatically selects the form's next control. We don't recommend you Use this feature unless you can apply it consistently; otherwise you'll just confuse your users, who won't know when to press Enter.


33⟩ Tell us The Steps For This Message Could Not Delete From The Specified Tables?

This error is caused by delete query and when the unique property is set to no.

Following are the steps which should be taken to solve the problem.

☛ Delete query should be opened and if it is not opening then press F4

☛ Clicking the query properties underneath the query designer will give you options.

☛ In that options you need to locate unique records property and should set it to yes. These options are present in query property sheet.


36⟩ Tell me how do I add (or subtract) time differences to (or from) a date?

Access has many date manipulation functions - see Help for a full list.

Example - add 1 year to the system date:

=Date() uses the Date function and will give today's date (the system date).

=DateAdd ("yyyy",1, Date()) uses the DateAdd function to add one year to today's date.

You cannot reference another field in an expression like this in a table definition. But you could do so in VBA code for a data entry form, or in a calculated field in a query, for example.

=Date() + 365 will give a date in a year's time, but will not work for leap years!


37⟩ Explain me what is the size limitation of an Access database?

Size limitation does not pertain to number of records in a table within a database. Forms, reports, macros, and modules also contribute to database size, but is rather minimal compared to tables containing records. It is recommended that if large amounts of data will be maintained or constantly deleted and new data imported, put your tables in another database and link the tables back into the main database. The utilities for database compression and repair will run much more quickly. In Access 2.0 databases the byte size limitation is 1 gigabyte. In general, use the 1gb rule and suggestions here to maintain performance of the database. See also "How Replication Increases Size of Database.".


39⟩ Tell us The Criteria Which A Trusted Publisher Should Meet Before Adding Him?

The following criteria should be met by the publisher before adding him to the list.

☛ The code project should have a digital signature of the publisher

☛ A valid digital signature should be in place

☛ Valid digital signature should not be expired

☛ Digital certificate which comes with digital signature should meet industry standards and specifications.

☛ Developer who is holding and signing the code project should be a trusted publisher.