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“UX Designer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as UX Designer. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

67 UX Designer Questions And Answers

61⟩ Do you know what is a category and when is it used?

A category is a way of adding additional methods to a class without extending it. It is often used to add a collection of related methods. A common use case is to add additional methods to built in classes in the Cocoa frameworks. For example adding async download methods to the UIImage class.


62⟩ What you love most about UI design?

This is the most simple question and a crucial one to answer. With this question, the employer will get to know the motivation and the drive for you to be in this area of work. As a UI designer, what are the crucial aspects you like about it from user testing to designing new layouts and creating interesting visual language, anything which can hook you up in it will be the best answer.

UI design is not an art, it requires not only design acumen but a business mindset to deliver the best results. While answering this question, ensure to back them up with relevant and strong examples and reasoning as to why a specific part of UI design attracts you. Include how you ensure to keep up to date on it and how you intend to improvise on to make it better day by day.


63⟩ Explain Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years as UX Designer?

No matter what role you’re interviewing for, an employer will ask this question to see how much ambition you have and what type of company you see yourself working for later in your career. If you really want the job you’re interviewing for, you might want to describe yourself working at the company in a much more senior role. This shows that you’re keen to progress but that you also see yourself working at that company (or a similar one) for an extended amount of time. Whatever answer you give, it’s important to talk about a more senior role – this shows that you’re keen to progress and if they employ you, you won’t just be happy treading water.


64⟩ Tell me why should I hire you as UX Designer?

For young designers, this can feel like the toughest question to answer. Without a lot of design experience, what you can offer is your hustle and a proven willingness to learn. Emphasize it. And don’t just talk about it —show it. Point to personal projects, blog posts, and other forms of commitment to design that you’ve taken.

As a young designer, you’ve taken an enormous leap into a new career. Talk about this experience and share the strides you’ve taken to get to where you are now and where you want to be. You have enormous potential — be confident as you go.


65⟩ Tell Me How Do You Keep Your Knowledge Of UX Design & Techniques Up To Date?

An employer will ask you this question to try and see how committed you are to the industry – and how seriously you actually take your role. A great answer here might be to say that you’re part of lots of LinkedIn UX groups and actively take part in discussions and you also read popular UX blogs such as UXHow, UXMatters and Usability Geek every week.


66⟩ Tell me what are some apps or websites that you love?

When thinking about this question, consider your audience and have a range of apps/websites that can demonstrate a diversity of aspects you find important to design. When I was interviewing, I chose SquareCash, Lyft, and Meetup — all experiences I loved for different reasons.

SquareCash represented simplicity in design. It made money transactions painless and solved a problem I didn’t realize I had. Lyft represented a peer-to-peer service that was trust-worthy and delightful and leveraged local communities to foster sharing in my hometown (San Francisco) and beyond. We are what we do | Meetup represented a platform for community at scale and had provided a tribe for me no matter where I was in the world.

While touching on UI elements, try to paint a picture of your values as a designer. By choosing apps/websites that highlight your interests and elegantly solve your pains, you’ll make a memorable impression.


67⟩ Explain your challenges as a UI designer?

The answer needs to mention the core concerns that a UI designer faces in day to day work. UI design is quite a challenging time because every day something new is coming up in the web world and keeping up with that regularly requires immense attentiveness to the information. A new button, link, scrolling, icons which keep the user interested. Knowing what will attract the user and keep them hooked to it regularly is one of the biggest challenges they have. A UI design talk never goes without talking about web forms.

Understanding what will work best is of utmost important. The client differences is a challenge which every designer face. Talking about how these differences are bridged keeping in mind the client requirement along with the design value and aesthetics of the product.