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“AutoCAD Tutorial and Interview Questions and Answers Guide provide you the best way to learn AutoCad and get preparation of any job offered in AutoCad field. AutoCAD is the industry leader in 3D CAD designing, drafting, modeling, architectural drawing, and engineering software and our Auto Cad Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Auto Cad is best-in-class customizable and expendable CAD application. Build your knowledge by our AutoCad Tutorial plus Interview Questions and Answers”

78 AutoCAD Questions And Answers

63⟩ When using the move command to move a single object by a given distance, which is the best of the following methods?

(a) Set osnap to END, pick the object, pick a base point then pick on the

end of another object

(b) Pick the object then key in the relative distance that it is to be


(c) Pick the object then key in the absolute distance that it is to be


(d) Pick the object, key in 'END' key in 'END' again then pick on the end

of another object


65⟩ The following two commands used one after the other BOUNDARY then pick inside an area ERASE ALL R LAST produces which of these results

(a) Changes layer to the Boundary layer then erases all items on the last layer

(b) Calculates the area of the boundary and erases all the construction lines

(c) Draws a polyline that touches the extremes of the area then erases all the recently drawn lines

(d) Draws a polyline that touches the extremes of the area then erases all but that polylin


68⟩ What is the significance of using the command WBLOCK?

(a) WBLOCK only works on blocks.

(b) the block is written to disk and can be used later in other drawings.

(c) the block is written to the current drawing file only, saving disk


(d) the block can have attributes written to it later.


71⟩ What is the use of autocad?

Autocad can be used by the professionals to visualize the imaginary view of the product on a computer system. In Autocad, it is possible by the drafter to make the changes in the product before it gets finalized for design. It also gives the freedom for the designer to implement their various ideas and represent them to the suppliers or their clients.


78⟩ Which of the following statements is true for AutoCad?

(a) ZOOM ALL will reach beyond the drawing limits if an object is there.

(b) ZOOM ALL only reaches out to the drawing limits.

(c) There is not real difference between ZOOM ALL and ZOOM E.

(d) ZOOM ALL makes all objects visible irrespective of the layer

visibility state.