⟩ Tell me when was last time that you volunteered to expand your knowledge at work, as opposed to being directed to do so?
Candidate should demonstrate a level of personal enterprise and initiative to acquire work knowledge voluntarily.
Candidate should demonstrate a level of personal enterprise and initiative to acquire work knowledge voluntarily.
Give an example of a time when you had to ask direct questions to bring out diverse opinions on a central issue?
What did you learn from recent mistake and in what areas can you utilize that knowledge in the future?
Define personally fascinating about the areas of your job in which you wish to expand your knowledge?
When was last occasion you asked for direct feedback from a superior or a customer? How did you then use this knowledge to improve your personal performance?
How yuo can create a motivational climate?
Tell me about your delegation for growth and development?
Which specific areas of work are you really interested in expanding your knowledge of? How you intend to achieve this?
What is learning management skills?
Tell me about your performance in coaching?
How you will benefit the company with your listening skills?