⟩ Adobe Interview Procedure, Pattern and Model Question Paper
a. Excellent technical skills. Be prepared to take a grilling technical tests on quant, anal, c,c++/java or testing domains. Adobe values technical skills highly and even managers have to take this test. The idea behind test is to check knowledge of basic computer science concepts, data structures, graphics domain etc.
b. Be prepared for at least 4 rounds of technical interview, each lasting 1 hour.; apart from 1 hour HR round. you will be tested for your knowledge of data structure, networking, basic OS, Comp Sci concepts, programming skills. There will be a few puzzles to test your analytical ability.
c. And of course, adobe will quiz you about your cv, experience in previous companies, college projects, academics etc. etc.
d. If you can demonstrate positive attitude, with deep technical skillset , flair to think innovatively and long-term career goals with adobe, then you will, absolutely, make it.
Best of Luck