⟩ As you know xMLDocument is non-serializable still it's called without atomic scope with no error, why?
It is the only exception to the requirement of types for variables having to be serializable and treated as special case.
It is the only exception to the requirement of types for variables having to be serializable and treated as special case.
Tell us can an envelope schema consist of more than one schema type?
Explain me which API is used to implement Pipeline?
As you know custom Component is not visible in Toolbox, even after adding the assembly to GAC?
Tell me what interfaces are used in developing a general custom pipeline component?
Tell us what is a .btp File?
Do you know what interfaces are used in developing a custom Probing component?
Explain me which property is required when using Flat file Disassembler component?
Tell me what is the minimum number of components allowed in pipeline stage?
What is property schema?
Tell us what is a Message Type (i.e. BTS.MessageType) and how is it used in BizTalk?