⟩ Which of the following are mechanisms to expanding the total market?
1. New uses for existing products
2. More over all general usage of product
3. New users for existing products
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
Answer: All of the above
1. New uses for existing products
2. More over all general usage of product
3. New users for existing products
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
Answer: All of the above
Like Amazon.com and egg, the Internet bank, most e-commerce operations offer prices well below those in the high street or mall and are making huge losses. What are the Internet businesses hoping to achieve with their aggressive pricing and is their price advantage likely to be maintained? Which of the following statements are correct and relevant to this pricing strategy?
What are sources of information when gathering market intelligence about competitors?
Market follower often gains many advantages without excessive expense, by following the market leader. Which type of market follower strategy is one whereby the market follower copies some things from the market leader but maintains some differentiation with its packaging, advertising, pricing and other factors?
A marketing managers pricing decisions are often influenced by the competitions pricing and their marketing strategies. Which of the following need to be considered when determining price?
Can you tell me about a time when you backed off in a meeting because you felt someone else should speak or have an opportunity?
Some people believe life is all about “The survival of the fittest”. Today, others are suggesting, from new biological evidence, that life is in fact all about the ”The survival of the most cooperative”. What do you think?
Give me an example of a situation where you helped your colleague perform a particular task in which you had better knowledge on the subject?
Tell me about your meeting and decision making skills?
Tell me briefly about your communication skills?
How do you deal with conflict?