⟩ What is FBT?
The tax payable on a non-salary benefit provided to an employee or an associate of the employee. The employer is liable to pay any FBT and may choose to recover the FBT amount from the employee.
The tax payable on a non-salary benefit provided to an employee or an associate of the employee. The employer is liable to pay any FBT and may choose to recover the FBT amount from the employee.
Benchmarking is used to help potential buyers make decisions between different software packages.
The British Standards Institute has an interest in standards relevant to GIS.
Tell me what are the organization-wide problems?
Tell me about organizational problem solving steps?
Define the organizational modes?
How to enhancing maintenance productivity?
What you know about team problems?
OGC is the Online Geographical Centre.
An example of a user with high application skills and high GIS skills would be a GIS analyst.
The GIS software type with the greatest number of users is the professional high-end product.