⟩ If we buy a customized product from a single source, how will you know if the price is fair?
If we buy a customized product from a single source, how will you know if the price is fair.
If we buy a customized product from a single source, how will you know if the price is fair.
Tell us Is a contract that does not state any particular quantity valid?
When have you had a dispute with a supplier? How did you handle it?
Explain can a shipment be rejected by just simply returning it?
When have you negotiated a much lower price with a supplier?
What tools/techniques do you use in motivating employees?
How do purchasers find their suppliers. Are there favorite places they look?
How do I calculate Inventory Turns?
Why do you want this job as Purchasing Manager?
What is your biggest weakness as Purchasing Manager?
Described sealed bid?