
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Basic Purchasing Manager Interview Questions

► What have been the biggest achievements in your procurement career?

► What do you like most and least about procurement?

► Give an example of a time when you have had a difficult experience with a stakeholder and how you resolved it.

► What tools and techniques would you use to implement a company-wide operational change driven by a procurement need to save money? And how would you get buy-in from stakeholders?

► What has been the hardest lesson you have learnt in procurement?

► Give an example when your perseverance resulted in a win for you and your organisation?

► Who has had the biggest influence of your career? And how have they helped shape you?

► What ongoing education are you undertaking?

► What would you like to be doing in two or three years? And what is your career goal in 10 years' time?

► What attracted you to apply for this role and to work this company?


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