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⟩ Explain the pure virtual functions?

A pure virtual function is a function which has no definition in the base class. Its definition lies only in the derived class ie it is compulsory for the derived class to provide definition of a pure virtual function. Since there is no definition in the base class, these functions can be equated to zero.

The general form of pure virtual function is:

virtual type func-name(parameter-list) = 0;

Consider following example of base class Shape and classes derived from it viz Circle, Rectangle, Triangle etc.

class Shape


int x, y;


virtual void draw() = 0;


class Circle: public Shape





//Code for drawing a circle



class Rectangle: public Shape



void draw()


//Code for drawing a rectangle



class Triangle: public Shape



void draw()


//Code for drawing a triangle



Thus, base class Shape has pure virtual function draw(); which is overridden by all the derived classes.


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