⟩ What is your favorite animal?
Here it seems that the interviewer is trying to learn something about your personality, so now you want to answer accordingly.
Here it seems that the interviewer is trying to learn something about your personality, so now you want to answer accordingly.
How to answer questions about negative information?
Why to use a sandwich technique?
List some strategies to answer negative interview questions?
When was last occasion when others benefited from your description of personal experiences regarding safety hazards?
How many days of attendance at work should be considered satisfactory? What has been your record of attendance at work?
What is your approach towards your personal and professional goals? How do you prioritize them? Give me some examples?
When was last occasion you had to make an instant decision to prevent a dangerous situation from becoming a crisis?
Tell me are you aware that your current work place does not have the most modern or effective safety equipment available. Does this bother you and/or how do you handle this situation?
Have any of your colleagues been regularly late at work? What was the reaction to this in your team?
Has there been situation at home or within the work place where you have observed a potential safety risk that no one else seemed to consider? If so, how did you rectify the situation?