⟩ What is the difference between chromatographic purity and related substances?
Purity is only area normalization.
Rs is calculated by using std and rrf
Purity is only area normalization.
Rs is calculated by using std and rrf
Tell me what is the name of a winemaker?
Tell me how much do winemakers make a year?
Do you know which vitamin found in grapes?
Tell me for people who want to know more about winemaking, what do you recommend?
Explain me what is an enologist?
Explain me what is the most difficult aspect of making wine?
Tell me why did you become a winemaker?
Tell me does one year or one vintage come to mind when you think about one of the best Pinot Noirs that you've made?
Tell me is an enologist the same thing as a sommelier?
Tell us what do you like best about your job?