
Question and Answer:

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⟩ General Community Director Job Interview Questions

☛ What about this position and our chorus mission interests you?

☛ Describe your conducting philosophy - especially working within a community choir setting.

☛ What are 3-4 primary elements that you would identify as central in teaching and demonstrating healthy vocal technique?

☛ Describe how you would plan and structure a 2.5 hour rehearsal with a community chorus.

☛ How does your music education and experience in choral conducting fit with the requirements that The Chorus is seeking? Give us some specific examples.

☛ Give some examples of working with singers that have varied music-reading ability and musical background.

☛ Have you worked with adult choruses that memorize their repertoire? Do you have recommendations regarding whether a chorus memorizes music or not?

☛ What is your experience working with and conducting world or global music? Do you have knowledge or know how to find resources in teaching music and pronunciation from a variety of cultures and languages?

☛ Describe your experience in coaching small vocal ensembles? What are the differences in coaching ensembles versus a larger chorus?

☛ Repertoire/Programming

☛ How do you shape and create a coherent and vibrant concert program? Describe a concert you programmed that was particularly strong.

☛ Our Chorus is unique in that it utilizes a Music Advisory committee which assists the Artistic Director in finding and reviewing concert repertoire. The final repertoire list for a concert is selected by the AD. How would you envision working with a committee in reviewing music? What might be the advantages and disadvantages for you as AD in working with this type of committee?

☛ The Chorus performs some music from Judeo/Christian traditions, but the vast majority of our music is secular or comes from a variety of global/spiritual traditions. Describe the musical genres you have conducted and how those experiences shape what you could offer to The Chorus programming.

☛ Is there a particular musical genre that you enjoy or specialize in?

☛ How do you help a choir to "peak" with you when it is performance time? What is your approach if a concert date is approaching and the chorus is still struggling to learn a piece?


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