⟩ Explain how are your presentation skills? How do you prepare for presentations?
Very good. I gather and research the topic on what the presentation is regarding before putting the presentation together.
Very good. I gather and research the topic on what the presentation is regarding before putting the presentation together.
Explain an occasion when you needed to persuade someone to do something?
How do you handle confidentiality in your work as Day Care Assistant?
Why do you want this job as Day Care Assistant?
Tell me how your understanding of current legislation would inform your daily work?
Explain me about your experience working with kids?
Tell me what is your stance on discipline?
Tell me what was your most difficult babysitting experience? How did you overcome it?
Explain a little about yourself how were you brought up and disciplined as a child?
Explain me what you think a care worker does and what type of people or groups you might work with?
Why should we hire you as Day Care Assistant?