⟩ Tell me why are you interested in this type of work as Daycare Worker?
You're looking for someone who enjoys working with the elderly, or a caring, sociable, and nurturing person.
You're looking for someone who enjoys working with the elderly, or a caring, sociable, and nurturing person.
Tell me what part of being an early childhood teacher givesyou the most satisfaction? What part of doing this work is the most difficult for you?
Explain me how do you think children at the various age groups should be disciplined? Why?
My daughter is the most stubborn child I have ever known. Once she has made up her mind not to do something she will not budge. Last week she insisted on wearing summer sandals despite the pouring rain outside and for the whole of the week before she refused to get out of the car to go to nursery. Her wilfulness is driving me to despair?
Explain me a situation in which you solved a problem?
Tell me if you had to deal with a parent each day whom just was not ever happy what would you do to make them happy?
Explain me how do you handle classroom discipline as Daycare Worker?
Explain me how would you try to calm an infant if they were crying but they were not hungry, wet or sick?
Explain me do you have any work experience in caregiving or similar areas?
How would you react if my 5 year old was rude to you in front of me?
Every time my daughter loses a game she gets very upset and cannot accept that she has lost. I really want to try and teach her that you can’t always win but I don’t know what the best way to do this would be?