
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Interviewer and Interviewee Questions for Interpreters

► How well can you understand different dialects and accents?

► What do you think about people who speak different dialects or who, for example, code switch? (Sometimes this may be called "Tex Mex" or "Pocho").

► What would you do if you were interpreting and a person said something that you did not agree with?

► What would you do if you were interpreting and a person became very angry and used profane language?

► What would you do if you were interpreting and a person became very angry and used profane gestures which are not understood in the culture of the other person?

► When you are interpreting, do you try to establish a bond with the person or do you try to keep the relationship formal and more detached?

► What would you do if additional cultural information or an explanatory comment is needed to aid comprehension or for a culturally appropriate translation?

► What do you do if a person is going on and on, and you can't remember exactly everything that person said, but you did get the general "drift?"

► Do you try to translate every single word or idea expressed, or do you try to summarize what was said?

► If a client has confidence in you and asks for advice on how to answer a question during an interpretation session, what do you do?

► What, if anything, would you do before an interpretation session?

► What, if anything, would you do after an interpretation session?

► What would you do if you were asked to interpret or translate something for which you do not feel qualified or prepared?

► What would you do if you made a mistake in interpretation or did not understand a term?"


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