
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Can I see your portfolio?

This is the easiest question to answer, as there's really only one correct response-"Yes!" Once you've said that, of course, you have to actually have a portfolio ready to show and talk the employer through some of the pieces inside. This simple question usually comes with a lot of follow-up questions about how you created each piece, how long it took, what your design goals were and so on.

This is the easiest question to answer, as there's really only one correct response-'Yes!'

The interviewer may or may not actually ask these follow-up questions, so be ready to give them the answers anyway. Before you show off each piece, you'll want to give the interviewer an idea of what they're about to see. You don't need to go into great detail, just a sort of "teaser" statement about what's coming up next. Something along the lines of, "This was a print campaign for a local brand where I was only allowed to use one ink color."

Remember to start and end your portfolio with your best pieces. You might only have enough time to go into detail about one or two pieces, so you'll want immediate access to your best work. Pad out the rest of the portfolio with three to five other pieces that you think best represent you as a designer.

If at all possible, try to fill your portfolio with works that are relevant to the job you're applying for. If you're going for a job designing print marketing, have plenty of examples of past print work. If you don't have relevant examples, there's no shame in creating some spec pieces just for the sake of adding them to your portfolio.

For designers just coming out of school, keep in mind that a professional portfolio is a little different than a school portfolio, and what works for one may not be great to include in the other. With a student portfolio, you're trying to show that you understand the techniques you've learned while also expressing your artistic identity. With a professional portfolio, you want to show that your skills are marketable and appealing.


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