
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Try pattern matching for the following1) 2) /root/abc/cde/fgg/ac.xml --> Get file name without extention.3) /root/abc/ac.xml/fgg/ac.xml --> Get file name without extention.4) What does "DIE" meant in PERL?5) chomp6) "This is saturday" --> Print the weekday number.7) 11-2-2009 --> Print the name of the month.8) Reverse the string without using func in C.?

my $str="This is testing of string reverse";

print scalar reverse $s

chomp is used to remove the trailing new line.

If we give chomp list then it will remove the trailing new

line in all the elements of the list.

die function is used for handling the errors in Perl.

It terminates the program immediately after printing the

message passed to the die function.

die("testing of die");

It will print the message "testing of die" on screen and

terminates the program.

Pattern Matching



my $str="";

my $file="/root/abc/cde/fgg/ac.xml";

my $file1="/root/abc/ac.xml/fgg/ac.xml";



print "Pattern $& get matchedn";




print "File Name is $file1n";


print strftime("%B",0,0,0,11,2-1,2009);



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