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⟩ Tell me what Three.js is and quote its key features?

Three.js is an open-source JavaScript 3D library that allows you to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. This is an API which uses WebGL to create impressive web demonstrations. And the best part of Three.js is that you can display all these graphics without depending on exclusive plug-ins.

Important features of Three.js along with their various functions are:

☛ Renderers: – canvas, svg, WebGL, CSS3D, DOM, Software; effects: stereo, cross-eyed.

☛ Shaders: – You can completely access GLSL capabilities which include: lens flare, depth pass and the all-in-one post-processing library.

☛ Scenes: – You can add or delete objects at run-time.

☛ Cameras: – Allows you to make the most of Orthographic and Perspective controllers like Trackball, FPS and Path.

☛ Lights: – This feature allows you to flip between various lighting options like spot and point lights, additionally permitting you to cast and receive shadows.

☛ Animations: – You can morph and perform Keyframe operations.

☛ Materials: – Your website can sport a smooth-shading, with various options coming in the form of textures and sheen. Phong, depth, lambert and face are some of the capabilities that you can employ.

☛ Objects: – Through this feature, you can create meshes, lines, sprites, ribbons and particles

☛ Geometry: – Modifiers like tube, lathe and extrude are available along with facilities to draw geometrical figures like cubes, spheres and cylinders

☛ Export/Import: – With this feature, you can work with CTM, Blender, FBX and OBJ

☛ Debugging: – WebGL Inspector, Stats.js and Three.js inspector are the features under this head

☛ Loaders: – This feature facilitates JSON, binary, scene, XHR and Image

☛ Support: – You can check out the world of information that is available in the form of public forum, API documentation and Wiki


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