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⟩ Office Environment Based Broker Agent Job Interview Questions

☛ Does the office look like a professional environment?

☛ Who and how are customers and clients greeted?

☛ How many conference rooms are there?

☛ How many research rooms are there? Can you look at them?

☛ How many computers for general use and what software do they have?

☛ Printer situation? High speed/ Color/ Laser?

☛ How are incoming and outgoing faxes handled?

☛ Copiers situation? Cost associated with them?

☛ Other research tools available to help you? What are they?

☛ Do you maintain a training facility? Can I see it?

☛ Do you maintain a computer lab?

☛ Is the general office cramped?

☛ Is there adequate parking? For clients?

☛ What type of desk arrangements are there? What are the specific policies on this?

☛ Are there expansion plans?

☛ Is the heating and air conditioning adequate?

☛ Are there security issues to deal with?


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