
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Anaesthesia Consultant Interview Questions

☛ Can you summarise how your interests will benefit the job plan that you have applied for?

☛ Can you summarise your research experience?

☛ Can you tell us about your teaching experience?

☛ What does an "organisation with a memory" mean to you and how do you think it applies to this Trust?

☛ Do you believe in evidence-based practice?

☛ What do you think about being told to change your practice when there is no evidence for the change?

☛ How does working in a team help with our jobs?

☛ What is the role of the anaesthetic consultant as a leader?

☛ Have you been involved in changing practice where you have worked? Tell us what steps you need to follow and what the outcome was.

☛ Have you anything you have regretted in your career?

☛ Have you been involved in conflict? Can you talk us through how you resolved this?


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