
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Cardiology (Electrophysiology) Consultant Interview Questions

► Why do you want to work at this hospital?

► Tell us about your fellowship

► How did they keep the staff happy at that institution?

► What have you heard about PCTs funding AF ablation?

► Who will you need to talk to when asking for funding for AF ablation?

► How will you construct your argument for funding AF ablation?

► Tells us about a complication during a procedure that you had.

► What will you do in the first 6 months at this trust?

► What is your first peer reviewed grant that you will put in?

► What is the difference in applying to an AHSC, or to a FT?

► What is the difference between a SL position and a Consultant position.

► How do you deal with an underperforming colleague.

► How does the hospital as a whole deal with the outside community.

► Name an instance when you have saved money for the hospital you have worked in.

► If all your colleagues were in the room what would they say your strengths were?

► And your weaknesses?

► On a scale where one end is value and the other is results, where do you put yourself?

► What is the tariff for AF ablation?


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