
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Custodian Job Interview Questions

► Are you comfortable working night shifts?

► Are you able to lift heavy things and remain on your feet for a large portion of your shift?

► How often do you clean your cleaning implements?

► Do you prefer working alone or on a team? Why?

► How do you stay motivated during repetitive tasks?

► Give me an example of a time when you had to use your own initiative to solve a problem at work because your supervisor was unavailable.

► What was the result?

► What kind of supervisor do you prefer to work with?

► What would you do if you encountered a customer who believed you had done something incorrectly?

► Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult member of the public. What happened? How did you handle the situation?

► What were your duties at your last custodial job?

► How did you fill downtime at your previous job?

► How would you handle it if you were asked to something that wasn't on your list of job responsibilities?


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